I have transcribed most of a 1621 will drawn up in Sussex but there are two words in this snippet that elude me completely. There are other section (identified in red) that I am not too sure about. I would be grateful for any help?
This is my take:
8. God my Creator hoping
?edly? through the and by meritts of Christ
9. Jefus my Saviour and Redeemer to have all my
?fns? washed away
10. in his
?od? and through that fatiffaction Hee hath
?ught? for mee
11. to bee made partaker of everlafting life. And my Body I comitt to
12. the earth whereof it was made in the full and affured hope of the
13. refurrection at the laft day when God by his Almighty power by
14. which he is able to subdue all things to himfelf will riafe it by, not as
15. now A weake and Corruptible Body, But A glorious one, like unto the
16. Body of his Fonne Christ. Then
?cerning that portion of mee rthly?17. Goods which God of his goodnes hath given mee I will and bequeath the
18. following. ffirftly I give towards the
?cting or ting? the Ten
19. Comanndements in the Church of the parrifh of Alfriston
?? I
20. now
?ell? Twenty shillings To Bee paid within Six monthes after my
21. Decease. Item I give to the poor of the parrifh of Alfriston Before
22. mentioned the
?like? four of twenty shillings to bee paid likewife within
23. Six monthes after my Deceafe and to bee diftributed by the wifdom
24. and Difcreson of the
?Mimfter? and the Overfeer for the poore for
25. the Tyme Being. Also I give unto Rebecca Pemberton my