Author Topic: Does anybody like the new normal?  (Read 4631 times)

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Re: Does anybody like the new normal?
« Reply #9 on: Saturday 11 July 20 09:46 BST (UK) »
Sonofthom, it isn’t just the UK Government, I think you will find it is the same in every country  that has had cases of Covid19. In fact, at the moment we are one of the few countries where the wearing of masks isn’t mandatory when you go outside. Countries that introduced it early on are those who had fewer cases. I dislike wearing a mask, but if putting up with the inconvenience and discomfort for a few months shortens  the need for social distancing etc, surely it is worth it?
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Re: Does anybody like the new normal?
« Reply #10 on: Saturday 11 July 20 09:57 BST (UK) »
"every country" - I think you need to check your facts Groom. Wearing masks outside (not just in enclosed spaces) - again check your facts; not even Scotland a rather authoritarian country these days, requires this. "A few months" - seriously? I genuinely haven't a clue what you are trying to achieve by this unless you are of the belief that this will somehow eradicate the virus; it won't!

If we wish to have an economy and a worthwhile future we need to restart society now.
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Re: Does anybody like the new normal?
« Reply #11 on: Saturday 11 July 20 11:20 BST (UK) »
Try reading this -  "more than 50 countries require people to cover their faces when they leave home." That was early June, more have followed suit since then.

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Re: Does anybody like the new normal?
« Reply #12 on: Saturday 11 July 20 11:58 BST (UK) »
Last week I read that the World Health Organisation has said there is 'some evidence' that the virus can remain suspended in the air for some hours - therefore susceptible to being blown by the wind, landing on surfaces etc.

If this is true, could it explain why those countries where mask-wearing is routine because of pollution or just social custom, seem to have had far fewer cases /deaths than Europe/US and so on? I'm thinking of SE Asia in particular.

At the start the WHO recommended face masks but our health experts and scientists pooh-poohed the idea. I'm starting to think that was more to prevent a severe shortage of masks for key workers than from any scientific basis. Yet we've all managed to make or obtain our own face coverings somehow. We could have done that at the start. Boris is now recommending wearing them. A bit late in the day  >:(
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Re: Does anybody like the new normal?
« Reply #13 on: Saturday 11 July 20 12:18 BST (UK) »
like so many we are fortunate in many ways....
we are retired so no job worries
we have reasonable pensions so no financial worries
we are mortgage free..
we live in a small village
we have a large garden
these are all +'s BUT
we are not able to have or stay with our daughter and family as they don't live nearby...zoom is great but id like to SEE my family...
we had one visit from them in the hot weather so we could all stay distanced outside - this isn't normal and I personally don't wish it to become the norm!
Our son lives in Australia ... when are we going to see them again...I'm not keen to get on a plane and fly that far and will they be able to get home for a visit..

Apart from visiting green grocers, butcher,bakers and once in a while a supermarket we've not been anywhere! Hairdressers for colour and cut... an expedition!
I have no desire to visit other shops at the moment . not going away so don't need new clothes and virtually everything else can be ordered online...

As to the wearing of masks it seems to be a very subjective situation... do we..don't we...they need to come down firmly on one side or the other then there would be no arguements as to what we should all do.

My heart goes out to all those people who have been furloughed not knowing whether theyre going to be able to get back to work.. in fact will more companies take this opportunity to close down?

I don't like this new normal.. booking everything, understandable.. but not to do thing spontaneously just takes the zest out of living..


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Re: Does anybody like the new normal?
« Reply #14 on: Saturday 11 July 20 17:47 BST (UK) »
Just the phrase itself -'The new normal' makes me feel a bit sick, I can hardly bear to think of something like this being considered normal in any way. I haven't been to any shops or anywhere else indoors since the start of the lockdown, I haven't been shielded but due to my asthma (not severe) I've not only stuck to the rules but also made my own choices about where to go and that doesn't include anywhere indoors.

As I live alone the social distancing at for instance a cafe would not only mean being at a distance from other tables but also from my companion. Not conducive to a decent conversation. Pubs with no music, no social interaction, having to use public toilets .... no thanks. I used to decide if I wanted to go to the gym on the day, and in fact half an hour before, wouldn't be able to do that now, you have to make an appointment. That is also one place where I think face masks should be obligatory but there's been no mention so far of that being a requirement. Shopping for clothes etc has always been on impulse for me, I could still do that but it sounds to me like a pretty joyless experience. Not sure what is going to happen with my art class when it's due to start again in September, if we're in the same situation then the classes would have to be smaller and the fact that the teacher would have to stay at a distance from the students would entirely change the experience.

The whole thing makes me shudder.
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Re: Does anybody like the new normal?
« Reply #15 on: Saturday 11 July 20 17:59 BST (UK) »
like so many we are fortunate in many ways....

As to the wearing of masks it seems to be a very subjective situation... do we..don't we...they need to come down firmly on one side or the other then there would be no arguements as to what we should all do.

My heart goes out to all those people who have been furloughed


I whole heartedly agree about the workplace situation, which more or less affects the majority of work age citizens.

My view on the wearing of masks is that anyone who knows there is a killer virus out there but doesn't use the brains they were born with, but needs to be

told to wear a face covering in crowded places, or
ordered to wear a face covering in crowded places, or
legally bound to wear a face covering

by any government is minus several grey matter cells - and that includes my sons   :-[

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Re: Does anybody like the new normal?
« Reply #16 on: Saturday 11 July 20 19:08 BST (UK) »
By nature, I'm not a gregarious person and am quite happy in my own company.

However, even I don't care for this new normal. I agree - people walking around with their faces covered and shop assistants trying to make themselves heard through two or three plastic screens do not exactly fill me with joy. Any chit chat is more or less verboten.

What has really brought me down is the lack of Wimbledon. I am a tennis afficionado. I love my tennis and went to Wimbledon most years between about 1969 and the late 90s. I've watched it on the tellie every year since I was a teenager (1960s) and never missed a year - until now! I got Amazon prime specifically to watch the rest of the tennis year's events. The next is supposed to be the US Open starting late August but, as things stand, I can't see that going ahead, even without spectators.

I thought I was okay with it until I watched a few of the 'golden oldies' progs on tv and realised they were making me feel very depressed. I don't much care for watching old matches when you know the outcome anyway but the whole sitting around talking about past matches with the same old faces (Henman, Becker, McEnroe) just filled me with despair - so I had to stop watching. Sorry, Sue Barker!

I think we have to try getting back to true normal and see what happens. The spike in Leicester has been pretty much proved to be due to unregulated sweatshops. Even there, apparently the 'powers that be' have known about these for years but have done nothing to regulate them. Probably another example of them being frightened of being branded as racists.

Its got to the point where we don't know from one day to the next what the so called rules are: they change so often. As for Scotland, I think your  leader just wants to be seen to be doing something different to Westminster in order to justify her existence.

I'm as bad as anyone: dangerous age and some health concerns have made me nervous of e.g. public transport but I'm no longer fixated by this virus. I think it has been vastly overplayed with the media (and especially the BBC) being the prime culprits. Yes, it killed a lot of people: so does the flu every year - and what happened in care homes is scandalous and should be something the so called Supreme Court gets their heads around rather than scoring goals over the proroguing of parliament. It won't, of course. The same as no one will do diddly squat about the Leicester sweatshops, so we might as well all just gird up our loins (!) and just live our lives as we see fit.


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Re: Does anybody like the new normal?
« Reply #17 on: Saturday 11 July 20 20:36 BST (UK) »
Has anyone bought clothes since shops have re-opened? How are they managing the trying on - fine if you decided to buy it, but what about the usual habit of taking different sizes and styles into the changing room, have they stopped that?
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