Author Topic: Diary > Friday 1st January New Year's Day  (Read 1394 times)

Offline Roobarb

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Diary > Friday 1st January New Year's Day
« on: Saturday 02 January 21 09:45 GMT (UK) »
Too tired to post last night, thought someone would have beaten me to it this morning, perhaps all feeling lethargic. Here's my uninspiring day's events:

I was reading in bed as it approached midnight, I couldn't have been left in any doubt when midnight came, the new year fireworks were deafening. I suppose I noticed it more because I'm usually in the lounge with the TV on when they go off. I found it a bit unsettling.
Shortly after it started raining heavily and didn't stop during the daylight hours of new year's day. So for the second day in a row I didn't get out for a walk, I'd have been soaked in no time.

Decided to try and sort out one of the drawers under my bed, I keep allsorts there. I ended up with a pile of papers for recycling and some to get rid of, I'd only got halfway through and I was sick of it, I put the rest off till another time. Spent quite a while cleaning the kitchen, cleaning the surfaces and cupboard doors and even polishing the chrome with baby oil. Then I painted the visible part of the inside of my vase with white paint, it'll need another coat.

Was sitting down with a cuppa then someone was at the door, it was my lovely neighbours' youngest with a plate covered in foil and a jug, a lovely surprise new year's dinner. Their kindness is just amazing. The dinner was delicious and my nice clean kitchen stayed clean!

More rain forecast today I really need to get out in the fresh air so I hope there's a break while it's daylight.

How was the first day of the year for you?
Bell, Salter, Street - Devon, Middlesbrough.
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Offline River Tyne Lass

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Re: Diary > Friday 1st January New Year's Day
« Reply #1 on: Saturday 02 January 21 09:53 GMT (UK) »
Roobarb, I thought it was looking like I might have been the first to post this morning but I think I might be the second if no one posts faster.  What lovely neighbours you have to be so kind.  I do hope there is a break in the rain so you can get out today.  I hope you don't mind the cold too much as it is absolutely freezing.  I feel like a human icicle.  This is my entry:

Not a great deal to report from me on the first day of 2021.  As midnight struck I was on nightshift and I heard many fireworks going off and then a downpour of rain.
In the morning, I got a taxi home.  The driver was quite friendly and chatty.  He told me he has a friend who told him he won't be getting the vaccine.  He says he told this friend that he probably won't get any more foreign holidays if he doesn't.  He said friend had said that the travel industry is in trouble and will need the custom.  Taxi driver says he said to him "Do you really think that any country is going to let you in in future if you don't get the vaccine?"  Taxi driver said his friend went quiet then.  Taxi driver told me that now he only gets half in earnings what he used to get and he said he really misses going to a football match.
In the evening, it was back to work in a taxi.  I was surprised that neither of these two drivers had a screen up between us but at least they were wearing masks as I was too.

It was bitterly cold and there was light snowfall and a thin layer of snow on the ground when I started for home after I finished my shift this morning.  I don't like the cold but was quite delighted to see a bit of snow, although there wasn't much of it and I think it will soon turn to just wetness if there isn't any more.
The bus came bang on time.  I was the only passenger for most of the trip home.  I will be going straight to bed after breakfast as I am back in again tonight.
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Offline oldfashionedgirl

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Re: Diary > Friday 1st January New Year's Day
« Reply #2 on: Saturday 02 January 21 10:59 GMT (UK) »
Well I wasn’t late in getting up this New Years Day as I had gone to bed before the Bells and no alcohol had been consumed !
For some strange reason I have hardly had any alcohol from the beginning of the first lockdown, just really went of it. Trust me to be weird  ;)

I was looking forward to my son and his fiancé coming round to bring in our New Year with hot chocolate and hot sausage rolls in the still snow covered garden. We uncovered the garden table and put cushions and rugs on each.

I put the TV on so I could listen to the New Year concert from Vienna, it was my Dads favourite thing to do and it so reminds me so much of him. He’s only been gone a couple of years.
 I started to make the sausages rolls and I could hear water running loudly upstairs and though to myself that reminds me of when I had cleaned the shower trap rather too vigorously and knocked the elbow bend of the drain  :o
I kept looking at the kitchen ceiling for water drips but it seemed ok. Eventually water came dripping through the light fittings and I had to yell at other son to get out of the shower quick.

Then the lights fused !
Determined not to foiled I put buckets and towels under all the now running drips, got up the step ladders and pulled out all the recessed light fittings and carried on making the sausage rolls as the oven was still working. I could light the gas hob with a flame as the ignition was of so I carried on heating milk for hot chocolate as they were due imminently. Through all of this the orchestra played on it’s beautiful music so I felt Dad was with me in my dilemma bless him  :-\

We had a lovely time wrapped up in many, many layers and managed to last nearly two hours.

A Hew Years Day to remember  ;D

Offline Caw1

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Re: Diary > Friday 1st January New Year's Day
« Reply #3 on: Saturday 02 January 21 13:15 GMT (UK) »
I was too tired to post last night too..... don’t know why as not been out partying 😢 sadly....
I’m sorry Roobarb and RTL have both had rain it does dampen the spirits some what...
Well done for more cleaning Roobarb on New Years Day too...I was going to do the ironing but OH said... what on NY day! Well it’s much like any other but I didn’t... I don’t need much encouragement 😀
Hope you’re able to get out for a walk... I know you enjoy it and when cooped up inside for any length of time can drive you a little bonkers... that’s you in the general term not you personally!...
My goodness you’ve certainly got wonderful neighbours... a real surprise to be brought another meal... so refreshing to hear of such thoughtfulness and community spirit too..

RTL- I hope the taxi drivers friend has reflected on his thoughts about not being vaccinated..... it does seem surprising to me that people aren’t keen...
I don’t envy you having to brave the cold to get to work least taxi ride more comfortable for you ....

OFG - my you are brave sitting out in the garden to eat sausage rolls and drink hot chocolate.....
You haven’t said what’s happened to your electrics though so hope you’ve managed to get them sorted... not a time to be without electricity...

My NY Day

Didn’t get up very early as nothing to get up for really....
Watched the tv showing firework celebrations around the world....
Listened to how many people had flouted the requests to not gather in groups, party etc...frankly I’d throw the book at them! Seems it’s not just in uk either.... some people obviously want these conditions to continue until they’re satisfied and caused more infections  and deaths...frankly I wouldn’t be offering them the vaccinations...
OH carried on with his jigsaw...I’ve been reading a good book so continued to read until it was finished...
A very lazy day I’m afraid... we both felt a bit jaded....
Something out the freezer for dinner as didn’t feel like cooking anything really..
Watched some tv and then an early night

What a way to spend NY Day!

All the very best to everyone for the coming year...

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Offline oldfashionedgirl

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Re: Diary > Friday 1st January New Year's Day
« Reply #4 on: Saturday 02 January 21 13:41 GMT (UK) »
The electrics are fine now thankfully.
It's an old house so for once it's weird wiring was of benefit as it was just the kitchen renovation part that fused. Since it was a limited amount of water which quickly poured through the removed light fittings it didn't have a lot of time to do too much damage. I set up the dehumidifier for 24 hrs and didn't use the lights and it all seems fine today thankfully.
Re sitting in the garden it was a bit Hobsons choice really but glad we did it yesterday as we've had more snow last night.
It was certainly a festive season we will remember.

Offline Caw1

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Re: Diary > Friday 1st January New Year's Day
« Reply #5 on: Saturday 02 January 21 14:57 GMT (UK) »
OFG - good to hear you’re not without electrics in these cold days!
Sometimes it does help to have different ring mains so not affecting the whole house! Out kitchen is on its own one too...
Well done for braving the cold to see family and share some seasonal experiences!

Guy - UK,USA
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Offline DianaCanada

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Re: Diary > Friday 1st January New Year's Day
« Reply #6 on: Saturday 02 January 21 15:46 GMT (UK) »
Sounds like you are all hunkering down for the New Year and facing whatever daily challenges come our way (they don't stop for a pandemic, do they?!)
The last few days have consisted of pottering around the house, putting away some Christmas gifts, cleaning up some family history notes (mainly entering them into my program and chucking them into the recycling) and looking for family references on the Newspaper Archive site. Always find some interesting tidbits!  I managed to vacuum my office rug - OH has been doing the main vacuuming since my sciatica has been a particular nuisance.  I foolishly bought a very nice rug at Ikea that has a black background - and with our blonde hairy dog, that has had to have been one of my stupidest purchases ever.  It is hardly ever hairless!  I guess I should be a better housekeeper and vacuum it more often >:(.
Also did some of my online work, have a lesson plan unit I want up on the site by tomorrow.  Looking like I will meet my own deadline, just have to proof it now.
A couple of nights ago was woken up by a dog barking - at 12:40 a.m.!  Like others, I have insomnia problems, so was not best pleased (I did not get back to sleep for an hour).  It appears that our neighbour (very nice single man in his 30's) has a visitor with a dog (still there), or else someone has moved in with him.  I don't begrudge him a dog, but that is just too late to put your dog out!  Ours is a barker too, but he is never out unsupervised, and goes out around 7:30 PM for his last nightly.  When I take him out a 6:30 a.m. he is on the leash and is quiet, even if he sees a rabbit.  If he sees a skunk, he is dragged back in the house!
We had some fireworks on New Year's too, but they would have been strictly private individuals setting them off, nothing through the municipality.  They were done fairly early.
Yesterday OH and I decided to play cribbage, I beat him, both games, generally he has the edge on me, but not lately.  Can't get him to play Scrabble, he says I would humiliate him.  After that we had some rich food (and I had had one wine) - OH had made rotzi for New Year's Eve, so had the leftovers, along with some puff pastry appetizers and some brie tarts I had made - followed by a big lump of fruit cake.  All too rich!  We were both groaning about it this morning.  His turn to make the meal tonight, he says it will be "light"!
We finished watching Deadwater Fell (not the greatest), I finished my Elizabeth George book before the end of 2020, and yesterday began Cop to Corpse by Peter Lovesey.  I also started a new jigsaw puzzle, a lovely winter scene by the American folk artist Charles Wysocki.
Weather here has been a mixed bag - snow, rain, freezing rain, basically no sunshine.  It's rather crunchy out there today, not too many braving their walk down to the park...a snow plow was clearing the school parking lot, heaven knows why, they are not back at school until the 11th, I guess it is for the staff if they want to come in.

Offline Roobarb

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Re: Diary > Friday 1st January New Year's Day
« Reply #7 on: Saturday 02 January 21 16:35 GMT (UK) »
RTL, I hope you've had a good sleep by the time you read this. Perhaps your taxi driver's friend will have been convinced by the thought of doing without his foreign holidays. Hope your bus journeys go okay today, not great weather unfortunately.

OFG, you're very resourceful, thank goodness your actions avoided anything worse. Good to hear that you enjoyed your al fresco get together, you're obviously a hardy bunch!

Caroline, I agree it's infuriating to read of people going their own way regardless of the pandemic. It was particularly saddening to read about the church LM mentioned which had been trashed. Better news today that thousands have already been raised to repair the damage, although it's still beyond my comprehension why people think it's okay to do this in a church of all places. Some have no respect for anyone or anything, both apply in this case.
Nothing wrong with having a lazy day, hope you feel a bit more motivated today.

Diana, there are more things in life than a hairless rug, stuff the vacuum cleaning!  :D  Sounds like you've been really busy anyway and well done with the cribbage. The fireworks here were private displays too but honestly, when I looked out of the window you'd have thought it was a public event, they were massive and so noisy. I like to look at them but not all the bangs, I hope they don't upset your dog.
Bell, Salter, Street - Devon, Middlesbrough.
Lickess- North Yorkshire, Middlesbrough.
Etherington - North Yorks and Durham.
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Offline Caw1

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Re: Diary > Friday 1st January New Year's Day
« Reply #8 on: Saturday 02 January 21 17:28 GMT (UK) »
Diana - my stomach felt heavy just reading what you’d eaten... all lovely of course but when we’re not used to lots of rich food it play havoc can’t it!
We get woken by foxes barking and some times muntjac very rarely dogs thankfully!
It’s so easy to get hooked on series even if they’re not the best! We got Netflix via our daughters sub and we watched Dedicated Survivor with Kiefer Sutherland there seemed to be so many episodes but each time they leave you on a cliff edge... now we’re obsessed with Money Heist... it’s Spanish with voice over... it’s not that brilliant but again stops at a crucial point.... sad we’d never be doing this normally 😂😂.
Your book title sounds intriguing!

Roobarb - it baffles my why they’d use a church and trash it... as you say no respect for anyone or anything... good to know that money’s been raised for them though... there are kind folk around!

Guy - UK,USA
Bangerter -UK,Australia,Switzerland
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