Author Topic: Diary Summary Week Ending 5th February 2023  (Read 3599 times)

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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 5th February 2023
« Reply #45 on: Thursday 02 February 23 22:50 GMT (UK) »
BUT I did fail English Language twice, English Literature and Latin.

Not sure I agree with Viktoria about higher pass marks for girls than boys, but that might have been ordinary school examinations, rather than the National ones (GCE, etc) nor in my local area.

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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 5th February 2023
« Reply #46 on: Friday 03 February 23 08:54 GMT (UK) »
I distinctly remember this being discussed when I was studying sociology, that boys could pass the 11+ with a lower pass mark and if my memory serves me well it was written about in a text book.

I'll attach a blog I've come across about this.  I agree with this writer's comments as I think it is better to encourage children to learn in a positive way.  My experience was that I felt defined as a failure and I believed myself to be that and it was very damaging.  In the years after I stopped trying at anything I didn't like and I played truant. 
It didn't feel like any other test or exam I have ever done in my life where you can try again if you fail and it is no big deal.
My parents never found out how upset I was as I did my crying in private.  They were older parents and their own experiences of education wasn't that good.  My Dad came from a poor mining background and I understand he'd had a harsh Catholic schooling and he had missed a lot of schooling because of  after having rheumatic fever as a child.  It mattered not a jot to them that I had failed but it felt like a big deal to me.  But as I say, I did all my crying in private and I never ever let on to them about upset I was about it.  It sounds very melodramatic but at the time it felt like a grief beyond words.  Albeit, I have found myself saying a lot about it on here.  I know, I know .. what has this all to do with a diary ... It's strange how reading someone else's innocent few words on a thread can provoke such a torrent of memory.
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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 5th February 2023
« Reply #47 on: Friday 03 February 23 09:10 GMT (UK) »
I think the diary thread and rootschat generally has helped us all especially during the pandemic and afterwards. Many folk as they get older start to look back on their lives as they contemplate the future, but I think the pandemic has made that more acute, relevant and sharp. That also means that memories, some of which aren't as positive a memory come to the fore. I'd have never dreamed I'd be writing about passing my numeracy at age 50 on a public thread, but I have.
I'd never heard of imposter syndrome when I was younger , but as I wasn't as academic as others and didn't go to university after school, I think I had a fair bit of imposter syndrome. Like LM I flourished as an adult and I take all the experiences forward, especially with our own children , trying to make sure they didn't ever feel a failure. ( they both have degrees and are thriving) . I wasn't as fortunate as RTL with my family experience, especially as I had a high flying older sibling who did go to university and did Maths there ..........
Anyway our reminisces are all part of our genealogy and our part in the story, and that's why we joined this RC site in the first place , a love and curiosity about our histories.
Morning all - philosophy over lol 😀 !!
North East of England

Online Viktoria

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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 5th February 2023
« Reply #48 on: Friday 03 February 23 10:20 GMT (UK) »
I have strong recollections of the pass mark being lower for boys in O and A levels too!This the 1950’s.
Well we were meant to be at home chained to the kitchen sink with just enough chain to allow us to clean the bedrooms etc!

Who remembers an episode of that hilarious programme when silly situations were engineered and gullible people fooled, like a dog seemingly driving a car?
Well in one a chap went for an interview , met the receptionist who was chained to her desk,she appealed to him to free her ,told him where the padlock key was etc ,and do you know- be did  nothing!
He had no idea he was being televised , he totally ignored her impassioned pleas!
Was it Candid Camera with  Jonathan  Routh?

Offline louisa maud

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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 5th February 2023
« Reply #49 on: Friday 03 February 23 10:44 GMT (UK) »
My grandaughter cried buckets in private be cause she just  missed out at the Uni she had planned to go to,  at 6th form she was an A level history  pupil, none of the pupils reached their potential that year, a teacher told me there had been a problem  with history,  so instead of getting an A as expected she got a B as did the other students, but she coped with it and got on, she is a very clever girl, got her masters and is now backpacking, my grandson,  in my opinion, should never have gone to Uni, he would have been better as an apprenticeship,  he is a plodder, bless him, so everyone is different in all sorts of ways.
My twin brother was much cleverer than I was, he passed to grammar  school, I  didn't and I cried  but my parents never judged me, I always thought I had disappointed  my dad  but he never  showed it


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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 5th February 2023
« Reply #50 on: Friday 03 February 23 11:13 GMT (UK) »
I've always been dismal at Maths - good at geometry, but nothing in algebra ever made any sense to my brain. OH says if you put a £ sign in front of a calculation I'll do it in a flash, though. Maths teaching quite terrible at Junior School and Grammar School, never even sat "O" level maths, hastily did a crash course in a science for University entrance in my "O" level maths class time! I'd heard the "girls having to get higher grades than boys" but always discounted it - although there were slightly more boys in my mixed Grammar School year than girls???
Do recall in my 11+ exam did the english paper in 15 minutes, the intelligence in 20, did as much as I could of the maths, then flipped to the end and did the "Two and a half men dig three and a half holes in four days..." ones entirely visually, with little drawings........ and then gave in and drew in the margins, too.....
Passed my driving test first go -think I simply have exam temperament, just no maths ability at all. Never really missed it.
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Online Viktoria

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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 5th February 2023
« Reply #51 on: Friday 03 February 23 13:49 GMT (UK) »
I was absent when the Trig tsbkes were given out in Year 5.
A yellow booklet , I might have done better  with Yellow Pages.!
But Algebra I loved,like a quiz and Geometry I really enjoyed.
Got smacked at junior school because I did not remember what made a pint in the days when we used quarts and gills, to me it seemed something named quart would be for four parts so four pints in a quart so two gills in a pint but course it is the other way round ,not logical to me at 8.
So I did not finish the arithmetic exercise set and got smacked.
By the same teacher who used a poor boy with learning difficulties and a suppurating false eye as a punishment ,I was made to sit next to him often
— for talking would you believe it!
I really pitied him,and did most of his work for him,which was no help at all really .
That sympathy of mine came in very useful years later when I had to write an article for a course I was doing,ie  should children with learning difficulties be in special schools or in mainstream schooling ?
It was published ,only for that particular  Education Authority I feel sure.
But so many negative experiences re arithmetic —— .
Now ,I am confident only because it was like starting all over again when the Education Authority I was employed by adopted “ Scottish Maths” .
Such a cheerful pleasant way to introduce four year olds to Maths ,well I was probably 44 ,but it all clicked .
I was not totally inept ,could calculate how much material for sewing ,check my grocery bill , budget the household money ,etc ,work out a mortgage ,interest etc ,but there were gaps,not confident doing mental arithmetic  but no problems now.
Such negative experiences mar children’s school lives and have long term repercussions .
Oh memory lane again , a nice place often but sometimes a bit painful .

Offline louisa maud

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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 5th February 2023
« Reply #52 on: Friday 03 February 23 15:50 GMT (UK) »
My main problem, if  you can all it  a  problem  was I always talked to much, I am sure I would  have got on better if I paid more attention  but as I have already pointed  out I did very well in any job I got.
My sister in law very rudely told me once I talked to much, I kept it all to myself till on our return from the holiday we spent together,  my husband was very angry with her but it never got mentioned again,  we stayed friends and she sends me really nice cards saying how much she thinks of me
Well I always say that us talkative people are needed in life,  I can strike up a conversation with almost anyone and still do as long as I feel comfortable and so does the other person

Beautiful day here today

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Online Viktoria

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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 5th February 2023
« Reply #53 on: Friday 03 February 23 20:35 GMT (UK) »
Just had M& S Vegetarian Chicken Kievs.
Very nice ,will get them again ,Served with rice and peppers , sweetcorn etc.
Just got a pack of two so only one each ,could have eaten two easily.

Searched for lemon pepper at Aldi,Morrisons and Tesco ,for pork chops on Sunday ,no luck!
So lemon zest and black pepper ,or maybe freshly coarse ground white pepper.

Quite mild this afternoon.

Have lost a teeny tiny thingy ,from my laptop with all the photographs on it
Number one son insists he brought it but number two son and I have no recollection of him doing that at all.
Oh dear,photographs! We are so lucky to have so many , years ago there would be very few.
Just a family group or a soldier.
Second son bought me a book ,photographs of British Soldiers ,hundreds ,originally glass plates ,stored in a barn in France ,some would not have been seen by the soldiers’ families.
Found at Vignacourt by Louis and Antoinette Thuillier.In a barn at Warloy Baillon.Very near the front line.
The soldiers look out at you,some so young and fresh faced others mature family men probably .
Quite expensive £40.
ISBN -978-0-00810331-6

Well must get on and phone son re missing photo stick!