Author Topic: Diary summary week ending 24th September  (Read 1329 times)

Offline Gillg

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Re: Diary summary week ending 24th September
« Reply #9 on: Friday 22 September 23 16:49 BST (UK) »
A surprisingly bright and sunny day here in Devon!  There is, however a rather chilly wind, but my washing is now dry and I need to get the ironing board out for a few items before cooking our evening meal.

Our Covid vaccinations were arranged via 119 - our surgery is not receiving their allocation of the vaccination until 11th October and our flu jabs are not till 21st October, so I tried to book jabs online.  I think the NHS site must have crashed on Tuesday morning, as I tried 3 times to complete the website, only to receive a message that there was an error for which they were at fault - "Please try later".  Then I phoned 119 and was told that there would be a 25 minute wait until I could talk to someone!  I waited and eventually spoke to someone and booked our jabs for the following day at our local vaccination centre.  It wasn't very busy at the centre and we were soon home again with slightly tender arms.
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Offline louisa maud

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Re: Diary summary week ending 24th September
« Reply #10 on: Friday 22 September 23 17:13 BST (UK) »
Had a strange week,  not a lot going on to be honest, both managed to  get a walk in  Covid jab this week at the pharmacy, so straight forward and no problems and no after effects.

After an awful lot  of rain it has been a nice day today, like Gillg i got my washing in dry , happy bunny.

Hardly believe  next weeks end will  be  almost October,  the radio has just mentioned less than 100 days to Christmas, which reminds  me I will  buy my stamps before the increase next week

Hope everyone  feels fit and well

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Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary summary week ending 24th September
« Reply #11 on: Friday 22 September 23 20:47 BST (UK) »
Thanks L.M, did not know stamps were increasing in price—- yet again!!!

Cloudy but sunny intervals and some heavy showers off and on.
Quite cold too, I am already wearing winter clothes.

Eldest son and daughter in law in Crete, a shortish holiday .
He seems to gradually be improving , still going to the Chiropractor, who is working on the spinal curvature  which came in his teens,caused by the constant carrying of his very heavy school bag.
So many subjects to a high level.
They did not have  school desks or one classroom but moved about each lesson.
It was straightened by taking up fencing , lunging the opposite way to the curve and it  straightened ,but has come back to some extent along with Costochondritis.
He was not  well on their last holiday so I am hoping this is not the same.

Well Kyra won’t take take her little clogs off!
Loves the noise and the things my son threaded on the laces, flowers ,bees, ladybirds etc.

My little friend came today in a blind panic , had left her keys in a secret place outside at the rear of her house in the shed, was looking to see had her bin been emptied.
The tall back gate closed behind her ,and stupidly the fastener is on the inside and she could not reach ,so in absolute panic she came here.
My son went with her to her house and reached over the tall back gate and opened it so she could get her key , but what a dreadful hour I had then.
She went into complete collapse, falling and hysterical.
But, poor soul it is her dead son’s birthday today, so she was already very fragile.
Son promised he would fix the gate so it is easier for  her.

Well a nice  neighbour  is moving away, a little girl I had at school and her husband was at the other school .
I shall miss them ,she was so kind during lockdown .
Next door is another young family , the young man I also had at school.
What a small world.

Son doing little jobs next door as and when work allows etc.
It will be ages before he gets in!

Hope all are well.
Good to see people are getting their Covid etc.
Mine is next month.

Cheerio, look after yourselves,

Offline Jebber

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Re: Diary summary week ending 24th September
« Reply #12 on: Friday 22 September 23 20:52 BST (UK) »
First class stamps are going up from £1-10 to £1-25

Second Class will remain at the present cost of 75p.
CHOULES All ,  COKER Harwich Essex & Rochester Kent 
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Re: Diary summary week ending 24th September
« Reply #13 on: Friday 22 September 23 22:17 BST (UK) »
Good gracious I didn’t know that 1st class stamps were going up…
eye watering cost too! Going to have a serious think about the number of Christmas cards I send this year and make flat normal sized ones instead of the more bulky larger ones I usually do!

Viktoria your little friend is very lucky to have both you and your son so close by to give assistance, I’m sure it’s much appreciated. Hope your other son has a good holiday. I can just see little Kyra running about in her clogs.

LM - glad you got your washing dry, so did I yesterday and today! It’s been lovely and sunny here today all the windows and doors open, I’m going to miss it when winter comes and we’re shut inside!

I went blackberrying this morning across the fields with my friend Sue… what a disappointment so many berries but the size of peas or bunches gone moldy..  we came back with very few but we had a nice walk in the sunshine.
We have our flu jabs on Tuesday and then covid one’s on 13th October all at our doctors surgery.

Yesterday, whilst out shopping, I was stopped in my tracks in Lidl’s when I saw a stand with boxes of mince pies 😳😳😩😩… we’re not even in October yet either!

Tomorrow we’re off down to our daughters to watch the boys running in the Ealing mini mile… not sure why it’s called that as a miles a mile isn’t it! Last yr they came 7th & 11th out of 200+ children so very proud of them both. This yr they’ve both moved up an age group so will see how they get on. I’ve baked just a Victoria sandwich with strawberry jam and butter cream filling to take down… all other grandparents will be there too, so quite a houseful.

Well beauty sleep needed as up early.

Hope everyone is well and no adverse reactions to jabs 🤞🤞.

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Re: Diary summary week ending 24th September
« Reply #14 on: Saturday 23 September 23 08:25 BST (UK) »
Good morning to everyone from the dull and dizzily north.  OH planned to mow the lawns today, not sure that will be happening now.

LM, thanks for the heads up on the price increases for stamps, that had totally passed me by! Caroline, if you tend to use 2nd class large letter stamps at all for your lovely hand made cards it’s definitely worth buying before the increase, they are going up from £1.15 to £1.55.  I hope the boys do well in their race this weekend, maybe the mini refers to the participants, if they are all children, rather than the distance.

Viktoria, I often think of my dear Auntie when I read your posts.  She would always do anything for anyone, even in times when she had very little herself.  We lost her more than 20 years ago and at her funeral the Vicar said she was one of a dying breed but when I read the posts of the contributors to the diary board, happily I think he may have been a bit premature in his prediction.

Can’t believe the wedding was two weeks ago already, wonderful day but all went by in a bit of a blur. 

Take care everyone

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Offline KGarrad

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Re: Diary summary week ending 24th September
« Reply #15 on: Saturday 23 September 23 09:03 BST (UK) »
Last Monday, got a text message from GP Surgery - flu jabs available; please ring for an appointment.
Duly rang, and got an appointment for Tuesday!
Very efficient :D

Due to go to Walton Centre, Liverpool for an op; but no idea when?
Do I book flights for Christmas (to see family), or do I wait?
Apparently I have hydrocephalus (water on the brain), and that's been affecting my balance - 7 falls since June!

Very wet day forecast tomorrow, with winds up to 60mph. Might just stay in.

Was asked to do some research at Manx Museum recently.
Grandmother (allegedly) born IOM; her mother died shorty after birth. But no name for the mother?
Reputed father was just 19, a mariner, and not yet 2nd mate; and no marriage visible.
Mother and father were from North Wales, with no apparent links to IOM.
A real needle-in-a-haystack job!
Garrad (Suffolk, Essex, Somerset), Crocker (Somerset), Vanstone (Devon, Jersey), Sims (Wiltshire), Bridger (Kent)

Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary summary week ending 24th September
« Reply #16 on: Saturday 23 September 23 22:17 BST (UK) »
Sorry to read that KG.Lets hope there is a simple non invasive solution.
Yes, a problem ,I don’t know if your condition could be adversely affected by flying, possibly,it could, you need to get that information either way before you book flights and then the problem if you are sent for your op and it affects your flight in some way.
I’d ask for info first before anything else.

Oh there are a lot more like me, the lady I help a little has other wonderful people but they do not live very close by as I do ,at least two are connected to Bury Society for blind and partially sighted people,another from something like Age Concern, volunteers.

Just watched The Ireland v South Africa Rugby March ,and England vChile, this afternoon.Owen Farrel back on form.after his four match ban.

Quite cold today and believe it or not my electric blanket is on, or I get leg cramps .

Look after yourselves folks , glad people are at last getting their boosters before the Winter.

Offline Jebber

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Re: Diary summary week ending 24th September
« Reply #17 on: Saturday 23 September 23 22:51 BST (UK) »
Hope your problem is soon sorted KG. I know what it’s like to have balance problems, I dare not move without support. I have lost count of the number of falls resulting in broken bones, including one which has left me with a permanently fractured neck.  ::)

Very frustrating when there is so much one wants to do but can’t.

Viktoria is right, don’t make travel plans without taking advice first.
CHOULES All ,  COKER Harwich Essex & Rochester Kent 
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WICKHAM All in North Essex.
WICKHAM Medway Towns, Kent from 1880
WICKHAM, Ipswich, Suffolk.