Author Topic: match lists -sorting linesto paternal and maternal  (Read 950 times)

Offline Essnell

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Re: match lists -sorting linesto paternal and maternal
« Reply #9 on: Tuesday 26 December 23 05:59 GMT (UK) »
Hi everyone.. Happy Christmas and New year. 

Now to this thread of mine:   I am female, so doing a yDNA test probably wouldn't help. 

However I have been examining all the match lists of those on the original Match list of the person who I started this all about and who is a match in my own listing.   

Off my listing she  ' K'  has 10 matches.  These are what I have been looking into.   There are just 3 that share with her on their lists  including one  X  who shares only with K .

I am thinking that this ought to be set up in a spread sheet. I am thinking that this might help sort out who actually follows which part of Annie's and My great Grandparents.   Also it will allow for any others that crop up as they have.

Is this a good idea?


Offline Biggles50

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Re: match lists -sorting linesto paternal and maternal
« Reply #10 on: Tuesday 26 December 23 21:38 GMT (UK) »
First as a Female a yDNA is of no direct use to you as you will not have inherited any yDNA.  If you have a Brother or a Paternal Uncle then they could take a yDNA test.

Look up The Leeds Method, creating one of their charts may help.

As you have uploaded to MyHeritage then you can use their DNA Tools > Auto Clusters to get a chart as per the image where I have hidden the names of matches.

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Re: match lists -sorting linesto paternal and maternal
« Reply #11 on: Tuesday 26 December 23 23:19 GMT (UK) »
 Good morning from Oz, 
biggles50, Thankyou for your suggestions.

The Leads method I have tried before on another problem .. not too successfully.  I'll try it again.

Yes I can do the auto clusters on MyHeritage as I have twice already. They suggest you do it every so often to bring in the new matches. 
I an pretty sure I can save it to my computer , It's a few years since last effort and now the covid brain fog is still a problem.   
Let you know what I find. 

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Re: match lists -sorting linesto paternal and maternal
« Reply #12 on: Thursday 29 February 24 06:14 GMT (UK) »
Hi     everyone,

not sure where to go with this .  continuing on from precious posts: 
I have done the spreadsheet and it points to the same conclusion that    'K"  is definitely related through my Grandmother's sister .  So to be related to me means she should also be related in the same way to my grandmother -   all on my mother's side. 

That looks DNA certain.
 My parents are both deceased as is my only sibling. So are my mother's siblings. Leaves no one to test.

 "K's"  tree has about a dozen people showing.   So building back from that is a nightmare on the female side. The names do not fit to the official records.  I have built two generations back that comply with official records .  After that K's maternal line falls apart.   As there appears to be no record for the marriage of the two persons at this point.  It's these two I/we are looking at. 

Going back to the matches there are two.  One has no other matches than "K"  and myself.  This person  I know descends from a Daughter of my Gt Grandfather's brother.  We have had contact and confirmation.    I think she is a Great Grand Aunt to me.

The other has one of the other matches as well as K and Myself.  My intention here is to try to see where his link is by building his pedigree.
However will any of this  help establish a link to a John Craggs Hoyle. Birth unknown, marriage unknown.


Offline Biggles50

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Re: match lists -sorting linesto paternal and maternal
« Reply #13 on: Thursday 29 February 24 08:16 GMT (UK) »

Conversely an mtDNA test can be taken by both males and females and the results show the “child > mother > mother > mother” DNA route.   As a male I received my Mother’s X chromosome but I cannot pass it on to my children where my Sister would also receive our Mother’s X chromosome but she would pass it on to her children.

I'm bit confused, as a male you don't pass mtdna as this is contained in the egg, you would  still pass your X chromosome from your mother to any daughters that you have?


I missed responding.

As a male I received the X chromosome from my Mother, but as a male I cannot pass the X chromosome to my children, whereas my sister also received the X chromosome from our Mother and she passed it on to both her son and to her daughter.  My sister’s daughter then passed on her X chromosome to bother her son and to her daughter.

As a male I passed the paternal family yDNA to my son but not to my daughter

Hence only a male can take a yDNA test yet both sexes can take an mtDNA test

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Re: match lists -sorting linesto paternal and maternal
« Reply #14 on: Thursday 29 February 24 08:58 GMT (UK) »

Do any of the Shared Matches give any clues?

As you believe that this match is on your Paternal line then if you do have any Maternal First Cousins or their children then getting one of them to test will show by the omission or inclusion of sharing said match with you that you are correct in your presumption.

Ancestry looks to be getting more into providing DNA tools but this is likely to take time so you could be back to the waiting game to take this further.  If the match has uploaded their DNA to the sites like Gedmatch or to MyHeritage you could use the tools on these sites to narrow it down to a MRCA.  Failing this options are limited.

I presume that of your DNA Matches that you have a reasonable number of them actually linked into your family tree.  Now what I did was printout a multi generation pedigree chart and then placed a marker on the MRCA with each of the DNA matches that I have linked into my family tree.  Where a DNA match shares a MRCA beyond the six generations of my family tree I placed a marker to the right of the person whose line goes to the MRCA of the DNA match who is linked in to my family tree.  You soon see where there are no markers.  This should show if any NPE is in your own line.

As an example my Wife’s family folklore tells of the family coming over from Ireland, yet all the online info shows that they did not but there is zero DNA markers showing on her printed and marked up family tree on this line, the uncertainty continues.

In your case as there is contradiction between the DNA and “paper” records then sadly there is unlikely to be a full resolution, but at most a “best case” scenario.

DNA Painter does show quite a range of relationships and it does show that the furthest back you could need to go is 4xGGP which is a problem in the tree you are building.

Short of making an assumption on their actual parental line i.e. they are a 1/2 2C or a 1/2 1C2R and including said assumption in your tree, I would park the research for a while but periodically return and revisit the information.

Offline Essnell

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Re: match lists -sorting linesto paternal and maternal
« Reply #15 on: Thursday 29 February 24 11:54 GMT (UK) »
Hi Biggles, 
Thank you for replying again. 
Yes the shared matches do.  Most to my Grand Aunt as descendants of her and her husband and their children

It's very frustrating when there is one match that leads straight to my Maternal Gt Grandfather's line to his parents' child then to them as MRCA. It by passes the above.
He must have some of the same DNA as K and Me but on his own he, S, only matches K 

Because he  does not match them all he is different..

There is a very definite link with "K" to me 132 cm and to this person 'S" 56 cM  and
one other that is not as strong 46 cM.

I was hoping that I could differentiate between all the matches that are in this group to which side of the maternal link they are.    That being either my Gt Grandmother or my Gt Grandfather  but not my Aunts Husband's line. 
I am pretty sure I have   proof of the Gt grandfather  but the others may lead to the Gr grandmother's family that I have absolutely nothing about.
In the mean time I will keep working on where K links to me and possibly more.

If I find anything I shall come back and update.
Thank you , you are all very kind and helpful

Cheers Essnell