View full version: Occupation Interests
  1. Fellowship porter
  2. What is a HAWKER?
  3. Surveyor of roads &c c. 1830's
  4. Heald Knitter
  5. Watch Finisher
  6. police constable
  7. Tallow Chandler
  8. How did a COMMISION (sic) AGENT make a living in 1841
  9. Lisburn Engine Driver
  10. Railway - in Stow Maries
  11. Photograph of Police Officers
  12. Agricultural riddle
  13. LARFETER??
  14. Mechanical Labourer (Exm maker) COMPLETE
  15. Mechanical writer
  16. which railway line/company??
  17. Carman
  18. 1901 LEI Surf Commission Agt.
  19. Occupations
  20. Lace makers in Bedfordshire
  21. Bone merchant
  22. Expressman
  23. liscensed victuallers?
  24. Metropolitan Police Constables Records
  25. Hard worker?
  26. Would a patent medicine vendor require a licence in 1901
  27. N V Railway
  28. Occupations
  29. Any Quack Doctors out there?
  30. Interesting Occupation listed - 1871
  31. Butcher Finisher in Laviage?
  32. Tide Waiter
  33. Upholsterer
  34. Elastic Web Weaver
  35. What Is a Blowing Room Major ?
  36. Barrister records
  37. What is a nipper, a reeler and a presser ?
  38. National Service
  39. Monthly nurse??
  40. What was a Gun Browner?
  41. Help to decipher occupations
  42. occ: What was a Brazier
  43. Decipher names
  44. Musicians
  45. Clerymen
  46. Link: Lots of photos of Merchant Ships
  47. Bucket Blacker? (Found - Japanner)
  48. COOPER
  49. ESTATE AGENTS - how far back do they go?
  50. cock pit stockinger ??