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Messages - Glen in Tinsel Kni

Pages: 1 ... 131 132 133 [134] 135 136 137 ... 140
Suddenly everything seems ok again, i have to run a defrag etc anyway so will see if the problem persists.

Thanks again.

Thanks Eilleen, i have got the details now.

I did try to reply earlier but for some reason when i get to the thread i suddenly get logged off.

The info you found confirmed what i thought, thanks again for your time and efforts, i'll try and send some cooler Scottish weather your way later on.

I don't know if i'm the only one who has this problem or not.

Intermittently i have a problem trying to reply to my own threads, i can go thourh the boards and view and reply to threads started by others but if i go to a thread i started as soon as i view the thread i am appearing as a guest, asked to login and don't have the "reply" icon appear on the thread anywhere.

Under my avatar the green light shows i'm logged in, if i hit the "login" link i'm suddenly showing as logged in but when i get back to my thread again i'm back as a "guest".

I'll try to grab a screenshot in a moment.

Thankyou Eilleen, much appreciated.

Thanks Eilleen, i'll pm the details.

The Lighter Side / Re: G R again
« on: Monday 28 July 08 21:21 BST (UK)  »
Just to really rub it in how about those that suddenly find a "connection" and then without gaining access to your tree suddenly plop all your rellies into their own tree and manage to mis-spell names, change places of birth and mangle dates?

I reckon they must pull the details up by name searching and then note all the ones that seem to come from one tree owner. According to GR trees, i was born in the UK, Australia and the USA and none of them know how to spell Glen properly!!!!

The Common Room / Re: 1874 birth certificate query
« on: Monday 28 July 08 20:35 BST (UK)  »
It also looks a lot like the "unm" transcription you get on census returns to indicate unmarried.

The Common Room / Re: 1874 birth certificate query
« on: Monday 28 July 08 20:33 BST (UK)  »
Whenever i order a cert i always try and get it at the local office and ask for a scan of the original register. Most local offices will do this, it means you are looking at the nearest thing to the actual document.

A couple of times i have replaced GRO issued certs i ordered in the early days with copies from the local office and it's amazing how complete names get changed on the GRO transcribed versions.

In one instance a marriage cert showed James marrying Harry on the GRO version but the local version showed he did in fact marry Harriet and the witness changed from Manta Monson to Martha Hanson.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Alternatives to BMD Certificates
« on: Monday 28 July 08 13:45 BST (UK)  »

I think now that my Gran is Alice holderness born eton 1892. cant seem to find her on any census to try to trace her parents. ( she's like the illusive pimpernel)



Although it might seem expensive to obtain certificates the reason i quoted you last post is to illustrate why they are useful

The words "i think " worry me, if you try and jump back to Alice without knowing for certain she is your grandmother then trying to find her in the census is somewhat wasted.

You might find there are one or two possibles and making a note of the family in the household and other details can be useful for eliminating later searches but until you have worked back generation by generation and confirmed that she definately is your gran, and confirmed her place and date of birth then you can never say with any certainty that you are following the right family.
You really do need to spend some time confirming that Alice is your grandmother, discover when and where she was born then you can work backwards with a lot more confidence.

Don't dismiss obtaining certificates because of the cost, in the long run it is far cheaper to get the right information first time round, it saves hours of following the wrong family and can have huge savings in both time and money later on. Above all the accuracy of your tree is also ensured too.

It is true that the cost of subs to different sites and the cost of certificates add up to potentially large sums  of money but with a little care and patience it is possible to build an accurate tree reasonably quickly and without a huge expense although to be fair there is no need to rush research, after all the names and dates will remain the same whether you discover them tomorrow or in ten years time.

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