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Messages - radstockjeff

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The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary weekend ending 11th February
« on: Sunday 11 February 24 10:26 GMT (UK)  »
Here is the reciipe which I used. I think I made it just a tad too runny so be careful with the added water.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary weekend ending 11th February
« on: Sunday 11 February 24 09:58 GMT (UK)  »
My response to Viktoria appears to have got lost in transit. When we were last down under I got hold of a book by Allison Reynolds "ANZAC Biscuits"  the power and spirit of an everyday national icon. There seems to be some doubt as to the veracity of these creations being sent in food parcels to the ANZAC troops and I think that the jury is still ,out on that one. However this book, over 150 pages sets out the story of the ANZAC biscuit in all its forms as well as the historical link with two or three Wiltshire villages bordering Salisbury Plain, including Sutton Veny. If you can get a copy it is well worth while and has some variations on the recipe theme.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary weekend ending 11th February
« on: Saturday 10 February 24 17:27 GMT (UK)  »
Yes,so lots of rain was common during February in days of yore!
It is a very old saying ,from a poem by Sarah Coleridge
January brings the snow
Makes our feet and fingers glow.

February brings the rain
Fills the dykes and streams again .
March brings breezes
Hard and chill
Shakes the nodding Daffodil.

Flanders and Swann did a parody of this poem  called Song of the Weather, putting a more gloomy perspective for each month for example,

In July the sun is hot, Is it shining, no it's not;

August cold and dank and wet, brings more rain than any yet;

and so on.......................

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary weekend ending 11th February
« on: Saturday 10 February 24 13:08 GMT (UK)  »
Tried my hand at a bit of baking this week. Anzac biscuits. Just a tad on the hard side but still eminently "chewy".  Took some to Chapel coffee morning today- none left!

The Lighter Side / Re: Where is this church?
« on: Monday 05 February 24 09:01 GMT (UK)  »
Another from the same era- but where? rj

The Lighter Side / Re: Where is this church?
« on: Sunday 04 February 24 22:32 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks. I did wonder but it is over 25 years since I was there.  rj

The Lighter Side / Where is this church?
« on: Sunday 04 February 24 19:19 GMT (UK)  »
Some more "housekeeping" has revealed further photos without any reference as to location.
Can anyone please help with this one which I think may be in Yorkshire.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary: week ending 14th January
« on: Sunday 14 January 24 14:08 GMT (UK)  »
On Thursday we said our sad farewells to our beloved Jane, wife, mother and grandma, with a short committal at the Crem and a service of Thanksgiving at the Methodist Church where Jane was based as manager of the Church and Community Outreach Partnership. Both venues packed to the rafters and with emotion!

Our grateful thanks to all who have sent messages of sympathy and comfort at this time in whatever shape or form, they have been greatly appreciated and will help in the days to come as I settle to a life without her physical presence, although she will always be with me in spirit.

Andrew has now begun his journey back to Oz, via some friends  and his brother Mark in London, before flying on Wednesday. I will miss him, but he is planning to return in July with the family which gives me something to look forward to as I have not seen them since before the big fires in 2020.

Mark will be making regular visits from London, with the blessing of his employer and a slight change in his working arrangements.  Both he and Andrew have been a tremendous help and comfort over the past few weeks.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
« on: Friday 29 December 23 11:55 GMT (UK)  »
What a roller coaster week! I set off last Friday on the train to London to stay with Mark (eldest son) and Erica. I got as far as the escalator at Victoria Station and had a blackout. So instead of going on to Penge with Mark (who , luckily was with me) I finished up in Chelsea and Westminster Hospital for a couple of days whilst they sorted me out. Luckily no bones broken, but lots of bruises and scratches and a stern warning to TAKE IT EASY! I guess a build up of stress over the past few months and  then Jane's passing contributed to an overload on the brain and body.

Now back in Radstock. Andrew changed his flight plans from Oz and came a week earlier than planned and will be with me until after Jane's funeral- keeping his beady eye on the old man and doing some essential maintenance work around the house.
A difficult few days ahead but I have wonderful support from friends and neighbours and of course my two boys and their families.

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