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Messages - Forfarian

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 ... 1685
Moray (Elginshire) / Re: Pronunciation help: Croftindaker
« on: Sunday 26 May 24 21:30 BST (UK)  »
I had a thought and looked up "sagart" in a Gaelic dictionary. It means 'priest' so presumably derives from Latin 'sacerdos'.

In Gaelic 'an' often (not always!) takes the place of English 'of'. But it then requires a modification to the following word. In particular the initial 's' becomes silent, and this requires the insertion of a sort of dummy letter 't' to make it pronounceable. It also requires the insertion of an 'i' after the second 'a'.

Doing this results in Croft-an-t-sagairt, which would mean 'priest's croft' and would be pronounced Croft'nTAGgart. It's not hard to imagine that an enumerator with no Gaelic might misinterpret that as Croft'nDACKer.

Dumfriesshire / Re: John Murray
« on: Sunday 26 May 24 20:20 BST (UK)  »
You have got to stop believing anything you find on Ancestry, Geneanet and the like. By all means use the information there as pointers, but go for the primary records - those created at the time of the event by or for the people who were actually involved - at Scotland's People.

These record that Samuel Murray and Jan(n)et Johnston(e) had three children, all baptised in Lochmaben, Dumfries-shire between 1767 and 1770. See screenshot from the SP index. There could of course be several more whose baptism records have not survived. So either all these children were illegitimate, or they were married long before 1779. The original records will clarify that point. It seems that the marriage record, if it ever existed, has not survived. This is very common.

How did you get to Samuel M and Janet J? And where did you find that marriage date of 1779?

If Samuel M and Janet J were married before the birth of their son James in 1767, the Samuel born in 1747 is probably too young to be the right one. It was unusual for a young man to be able to support a wife and family at the age of 18 or 19.

Dumfriesshire / Re: John Murray
« on: Sunday 26 May 24 10:36 BST (UK)  »
There is a mention of Edward Murray, son of John Murray and Amelia Stanley, at - however this is extracted from a genealogical compilation and not to be trusted 100% as it's not a primary source.

Edward Murray's wife is not named there.

SP has a record of the burial of an Edward Murray in Edinburgh Canongate on 17 November 1737.

According to The Peerage, Edward Murray's son John married Euphemia Ross or Boyd, widow of the Earl of Kilmarnock, but had no family, and died in 1748 in Edinburgh. SP has a record of the burial of a John Murray in Edinburgh Canongate on 21 October 1748.

Both listings in The Peerage have an icon which might imply that there is a gravestone, but I can't find anything online about such a stone or stones.

There may be additional information in the original burial records.

Apologies - computer glitsch. Didn't intend to post a reply.

Dumfriesshire / Re: John Murray
« on: Friday 24 May 24 20:48 BST (UK)  »
If Ancestry says that John Murray, born 1721 in Ewes, Dumfries-shire, is the son of Edward Murray and Katherine Skeen, Ancestry is peddling rubbish (as is its wont).

According to the index to the original records at, John Murray, baptised 24 January 1721 (not 1722 as FamilySearch suggests) in Ewes, was the son of John Murray and his mother is not named. See attached screenshot.

Scotland's People (SP) has no records of the baptism of any children to Edward Murray and C/Katherine Ske*n*.

Forget about Ancestry and other commercial web sites and go for the original records at SP.

Ayrshire / Re: Baird Ayr.
« on: Friday 24 May 24 20:38 BST (UK)  »

But if all you have is the birth/baptism record, what is your proof that these arehis correct parents?

Lanarkshire / Re: Convict Henry Morgan
« on: Sunday 19 May 24 09:42 BST (UK)  »
If I was to purchase this record would I see any information on his mother Ms Taylor?
Highly unlikely, unless she was involved in whatever he was convicted of.

What do you mean by 'trailed'?

Ayrshire / Re: Robert Speir of Dalry, Ayrshire
« on: Saturday 18 May 24 14:52 BST (UK)  »
Sheena, you can use the Personal Message system to exchange information such as e-mail addresses. Just click on the wee sheet-of-paper icon under Bob's name and it will take you there.

Ayrshire / Re: Baird Ayr.
« on: Friday 17 May 24 11:10 BST (UK)  »
Hi forfarian, I have no proof, only it came up on ancestry DNA, I have also seen names on somebody else’s tree! Obviously 🙄 these aren’t to be trusted, I normally go back through the census, birth, marriage and death certificates, but John has been very challenging, maybe because I’m barking up the wrong tree 🌳
So you think Archibald and Agnes are the way to go?
You are absolutely right not to trust anything you find online, and especially not other people's trees on commercial web sites like Ancestry.

In my opinion Archibald and Agnes are a better fit for the parents of John Baird because
(a) John's first son was named Archibald
(b) they were in Mauchline, which is where Archibald was baptised
(c) he is the right age to be the one in the census in Edinburgh in 1841
so I would definitely want to investigate them if I were you.

It may be that Archibald (senior) was related to William-husband-of-Mary-Gibson which could account for a DNA match.

It is also possible that your John Baird is one of the many people whose baptism record, if it ever existed, has not survived.

But don't trust me either! Make sure to leave no stones of your own unturned.

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