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Yorkshire (West Riding) Lookup Requests / Re: Roper 1871 census lookup Mexborough
« on: Monday 18 April 22 00:03 BST (UK)  »
OK thanks for letting me know. It was always clutching at straws! Best wishes.

Yorkshire (West Riding) Lookup Requests / Re: Roper 1871 census lookup Mexborough
« on: Sunday 17 April 22 15:49 BST (UK)  »
Sorry to add a message only loosely related to the original, but I am looking for Luann Roper, daughter of Peter W and Helen U H Roper - and a Google search produced this thread. If the person who posted back in 2017 picks this up, could she get in touch? Slim chance,I am sure, but you never know.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Adoption records
« on: Wednesday 02 March 22 17:54 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for such prompt replies. To take each suggestion in turn :
# No the birth certificate has no annotation
# yes I have looked for a marriage but there is nothing obvious, although of course he may have married well away from his birthplace
# I looked on the link to the gro website but the menu options seem to relate to reporting rather than searching unless you can point me to an option I may have missed.
# google, social media, - yes to all of them. The name is not common (e.g. it's not John Smith) but not highly distinctive either, so there are a dozen or so on, only one in the area where he was born but about 40 years too young.

His parents are both deceased and contact with his father's family was limited only to his partner and that some years ago. I'll have a look to see if I can identify his parents and any siblings, nieces, nephews but am far from sure it would be productive. Nevertheless, thanks for that idea.

I have found only this afternoon, a possible reference to someone born in 1946 but died in Australia in 1972. I'll see what else I can find about him.

Keep those ideas rolling!

Family History Beginners Board / Adoption records
« on: Wednesday 02 March 22 16:32 GMT (UK)  »
I've read the rules about (possibly) living people so won't post any identifying details.

However, I recently got in touch with a long lost cousin for the first time in about 65 years. Now I have found (via Freebmd) that she had a brother that she never knew, born in 1946 some miles away from her own birthplace. As usual, that gives his birth registration district and the quarter of the year. I have bought a copy of the birth certificate and sent it to her.  The mother's details make it indisputably ours, even though the father's forename is slightly incorrect on the certificate. They separated around that time, so it may be that she deliberately declared an error.

That has been emotional enough for my cousin, and to a lesser extent for me, too. But now we are wondering what happened to him. Freebmd and other websites show no death record of him in the same area and an enquiry to the helpful registry office has not revealed any appropriate death record in the next couple of years.

That seems to leave adoption as a possibility, or of course a simple error at the registry office but they are few and far between.

If anyone has any bright ideas they are most welcome, but in particular I am looking for advice on how to trace adoptions.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Ethel Malah
« on: Thursday 03 February 22 19:48 GMT (UK)  »
I'm reopening this thread as although I have now found her marriage, there is no subsequent certain record of Ethel Malah. I did find Ethel M Robinson aged 43 returning to the UK from Durban as a nurse on 28.7.30, then back to South Africa in 1942. However, an earlier journey in 1920 shows a nursing sister named Ethel MARY Robinson, so I guess they are the same.

Does anyone have a recommendation for sources in South Africa?

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Ethel Malah
« on: Friday 28 January 22 17:01 GMT (UK)  »
Brilliant! Many thanks. Rootschat scores again.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Ethel Malah
« on: Thursday 27 January 22 17:59 GMT (UK)  »
I found a record of banns for the marriage of Ethel Malah Keeling to William Edward Robinson. Banns were read at Earlsheaton on 13th, 20th and 27th of February 1921. I expected to find a marriage on the following Sunday (6th March) But I can find no record of the actual marriage, even though a family tree on Ancestry suggests that it was carried out and they lived together for the rest of their lives. There's no conclusive reference to them on Ancestry*, Findmypast* or Familysearch. Can anyone throw any light on this?
* = basic version available for free, but I would have expected something there even if no actual date is shown

The Common Room / Higginott / Hugonett = Hignett?
« on: Tuesday 02 November 21 11:16 GMT (UK)  »
I've found an ancestor in Cheshire in the late 16th century recorded as "Robert Higginott". Around the same time, there is another probable family member who is shown as married to a "Margareta Hugonett". Both are related to my ancestors named Merrick.
I have assumed that they are part of the same family with variations in the spelling. But that made me wonder about the origin of these names and the modern equivalent. The second one suggests a link to the Huguenots. I thought that they may have evolved into the name "Hignett". Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Staffordshire Lookup Requests / Nathan Williams in (or near) Newcastle-under-Lyme
« on: Tuesday 06 July 21 11:42 BST (UK)  »
Looks like one of my ancestors is a Nathan Williams, of Newcastle under Lyme. Baptised 10.10.1670 to Roger. Married 12.10.1690 to Ann, not very legible and transcribed as "An Waste"(!) but I think maybe Naylor. Buried 16.3.1715 and described as "clarke". Ann was buried 17.9.1725 and shown as the widow of "old clarke". All of this at St Giles in N-u-L.
His father Roger Williams was married 1669 to Isabell Collison, and buried 8.2.1690- also described as "clark".
Question is - what was the "clark"? I know it will be a clerk in modern parlance, but does it indicate a church office? And does anyone recognise these names?
Thanks in anticipation!

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