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Messages - Viktoria

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The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 2nd June 2024
« on: Saturday 01 June 24 00:51 BST (UK)  »
No, L, M, that is it exactly, and the bully is very advanced in years,late 90’s and seems to use that as defence,whilst the victim is late 60’s and does not retaliate - well she said she didn’t .
I asked was the bullier perhaps confused etc but seemingly no ,is very clear minded .
Oh dear,how sad.

No news of my my little friend but carers were going in twice daily after the last episode ,so at least we got her  some help.
I was advised by my GP to be very careful as I was very vulnerable re hygiene as a tummy bug etc could have serious consequences for me through rapid loss of heart medication etc .Such  poor sight as hers and memory problems meant she really could not maintain a high standard .
Her daughters do seem more involved now though,at last!
She was lonely really plus her other problems.

Well bed calls ,so Goodnight folks.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 2nd June 2024
« on: Friday 31 May 24 21:03 BST (UK)  »
It is quite natural to worry, even though we know it does not make things better.
Soooo- try not to worry about worrying - it is natural.

A reasonable day,bright but cold.
Met a lady at the  blood clinic.
She was very upset about another resident at her sheltered accommodation who is bullying her.
All I could do was listen.There seems to be no proper supervision or any staff who could mediate.
Oh dear, Very sad. I do attract people somehow but it did no harm to listen .

Booked my place at the afternoon tea at Church  on June 8 th.
We are asked for a donation but also to bake.
However it will be a sociable event and our new young Rector and his wife are
very involved .
She works and is suffering from early pregnancy nausea , so to be admired for  her involvement in Church matters.

Look after yourselves and best wishes to those with problems , that they are resolved soon.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 2nd June 2024
« on: Thursday 30 May 24 20:54 BST (UK)  »
Yes Gillig,it could be a number of things,low blood sugar levels etc.
Really needs checking out, but I join others in hoping there are no more.
Your husband too L.M. I get freezing cold ,really in the afternoons.
I take a heart tablet at lunchtime so must read again the info to see what side effects there can be.

The day ended wet!
What a surprise!

At hospital tomorrow for blood tests ready for Heart Failure Clinic on June 4th..
I can break the journey home in Bury where I change buses, and go to M&S and the market .
Son is off to Head Office early tomorrow or he would drive me depending if there were some computer conferences etc.
Our lovely Market Hall is closed ,it was built using RAAC concrete!
Don’t know what the future holds for it.
One outdoor stall still has a lot of produce from The Fylde ,where gorgeous Blackpool tomatoes used to be grown, sadly for no longer.

Well I hope all are alright ,I know some do have health issues..



The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 2nd June 2024
« on: Wednesday 29 May 24 17:27 BST (UK)  »
After a bright start it has of course rained !
Optimistically put washing on the line but brought it in mid afternoon when a light shower started.

Gave my new plants a feed as any liquid would be washed off by the showers  so no scorching of leaves.

Steak for my son’s evening meal ,I fancy cheese ,ham and pineapple toasties.

Quite cold today , nearly June and I have a fleecy  sleeveless  jacket on.
I do feel cold most of the time .

Hope all are in good spirits .

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 2nd June 2024
« on: Monday 27 May 24 10:33 BST (UK)  »
Thamks Louisa, I shall have to be careful that I don’t get delusions of grandeur !
Nice that Sarah has been shown our sincere appreciation .

I like Fuchsias ,so varied ,look like little ballerinas ,actually I think one is named “ Ballerina”

Off to bloods clinic,actually I must check, it is a Bank Holiday.
Don’t want to go if only urgent bloods being done.

Sunny but still chilly here..

So now I must start phoning !

Grandson,(F.H and Kyra’s daddy )is 33 today .
I sent a message last night as they are probably akready out somewhere interesting this morning .

Hope everyone has a nice day.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« on: Saturday 25 May 24 18:07 BST (UK)  »
Oh dear, my OH was not a handyman and knowing that would not even attempt any DIY.
The week before our wedding I asked him to put up a shelf in the kitchen of the house we had bought .
He came to Mum’s after several hours and said he had put the shelf up .
“ It was difficult, it would not stay up at first but is O.K as long as you don’t put any weight on it!”
He had nailed it to the wall.
I did all the DIY , but he was fair and washed up and brewed up etc so I hadn’t got it to do .
He once cut the toe off his shoe when sawing wood for me, but was left handed but right eye dominant ——- was a crack shot doing National Service but rubbish at practical things .

It was our family joke , his total incompetence.
Our sons can do all sorts of things ,not at all like their Dad.
We would have him back.

Lovely afternoon ,but I decided to sort out a bit of a muddle re two hosepipes joined so I can water the front garden and not take the hose through the house, go round the outside.
It leaks so needs disconnecting ,can I fathom out what I have done wrong.?———I was saturated , and still no idea what goes where.

Pizza and salad for tea and M/c United won the FA Cup Final !

Daughter sent an email naming her friends who remembered me from her schooldays ,they sent Birthday wishes and a customer ,a German chap,I chatted with at her BMW Franchise ,he remembers me because seemingly I asked was it he who bombed our chip shop?
I don’t remember that and he was far too young to be in the Luftwaffe or any other of the armed forces.But we did have a laugh I remember .
Well the oven to put on, table to set,salad to prepare etc etc etc ,is there no end to this slavery!
Cheerio .Viktoria.

Cheerio , hope it is a nice day tomorrow for everyone.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« on: Saturday 25 May 24 11:33 BST (UK)  »
Yes Candleflame, it is funny ,sent it to my sister who refuses to grow old also.
She looks good at 90! However she  did have HRT .

.My Dr. said I was not a suitable candidate ,my sister stayed on for longer than the advised time, so I managed without ,the dreaded “ Change “ was nothing much ,but I know I was fortunate ,some of friends had a tough few years.

Washing out so off to shops.
A few clouds now so perhaps some of that wet stuff- what is it called ? OH YES—- RAIN!
So better shop and hope I am back before it teems down and washing all dripping.
Also before I change my mind re the new clothes ,never worn but now far  too big I have ready for the Charity shop.
Cheerio .Viktoria..

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« on: Saturday 25 May 24 08:35 BST (UK)  »
Thanks again folks,the different time zones - so more kind wishes !

The sun is “ cracking the flags “ — meaning it is so warm there is a danger the York stone paving flagstones might crack!
Not many real flagstones left now, composition ones or asphalt!

Washing in ,and soon on the line , I like “ pegging out” .
Fish to feed, greedy one is being naughty again,I have to isolate it for a day then it behaves but reverts to bullying again  ::)

Well I am now officially 87 ,about 200 physically but 8-10 in the head.

Cup of tea first though whilst I do my shopping list then escape with my trusty trolley before son “ helps” me!
He parks further away than the bus stop ,at Morrison’s ,but I shop mostly at Tesco which is very near the bus stop ,so I sneak out .
He works long hours on the computers, time zones etc so has a lie in at weekends .

I know there are many not well, tired and worried , but hopefully by comparison they may feel things are not so bad .
We are not in war zones are we.

Cheerio, many thanks again ,I am very touched by your kindness.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« on: Friday 24 May 24 23:03 BST (UK)  »
Many thanks folks for your wishes for my Birthday.
A quiet day ,but cards ,presents and phone calls .
Flash Harry and Kyra phoned as I had made a point of thanking them ( and their parents) for my cards and presents,F,H, was at school but I had sent him an email and he replied by phone when he got home.
His parents are very keen on them saying thank you so  I had to be sure to do the same .

Off to bed soon, finished a good book but won’t start another tonight.
Had a partial sort out of clothes much too big for me now, so Charity shop tomorrow before I put them back in the wardrobes !!!

Look after yourselves , we are a special band ,never meeting but very supportive and friendly .
Kind regards to you all.
P.S just found a message from Flash Harry and Kyra ,she is “ playing “a musical instrument ,all squeaks and whistles while he sings Happy Birthday” 

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