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Messages - Glen in Tinsel Kni

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Family History Beginners Board / Re: Illegitimate birth 1800s Hampshire
« on: Sunday 17 March 24 08:33 GMT (UK)  »
The only real chance of a document naming anyone would be in the case of an unmarried mother applying to a court in order to receive maintenance payments for the child. Even with such a document it's only evidence of who the father is said to be (the same is true of a birth certificate).
DNA is the only way to prove who the father is but success depends on who has tested, I've proved a wrong father's name on a cert with half a dozen matches can't work out which ancestor I share with a group of 50 people that link to me.

Back in time the two sides may have been joined by marriage but a both sides match could simply be a descendant of that marriage. In that case they will be related to you in at least two ways (one on each side), but your parents need not be related to each other.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Source and citations for GRO certificates.
« on: Thursday 14 March 24 03:17 GMT (UK)  »
It's actually difficult to find a format Ancestry will accept and subsequently publish as a custom source to a tree let alone one that is used widely by others. It's unlikely that two trees use  the same standardised format so trying to create one soon becomes a chore with little benefit.

Easiest way I've found is to copy and paste the GRO ref from the website into the birth or death fact with the abbreviation 'mmn' prior to th maiden name of the mother, If needed I'll include any mention of a variant spelling of the name or maiden name. If the cert is available I may it as media to that fact in order to make it easy to find.

Granted it isn't a 'source' in the strictest sense but at a glance I can see which I have or haven't done and it does show tree viewers some effort has been made to verify the entry.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Ancestry DNA expectations
« on: Tuesday 12 March 24 04:00 GMT (UK)  »
I've got serious doubts about both grandfathers and a hefty dose of Irish when everything says Lincolnshire, Sheffield and Walsall for 2 or 3 centuries. A surprise great grandfather only dna could uncover as the paper trail looks bullet proof. Two mystery maternal groups of almost 90 people and a healthy bit of target testing and still no nearer to an answer (maternal half sib tests would be a huge boost but hell will freeze over before that happens).

I'm slowly linking my matches to each other but not to me. It's probably fair to say I'm related to half of Sheffield based on current findings and the other half largely zipped off overseas; mostly USA or Canada based on matches.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Ancestry DNA expectations
« on: Monday 11 March 24 14:54 GMT (UK)  »
There are so many variables it's impossible to say, the only way to find out is to take the test and share the raw data result across as many sites as possible in order to maximise the chance of finding matches. I don't want to put anyone off but 4th cousins have about a 50/50 chance of sharing dna and the odds are lower at 5th cousins, the flip side is we have lots more distant cousins than close cousins so it's swings and roundabouts.

Ancestry have the biggest database and their results are accepted by several other sites but you can't upload from another site onto Ancestry. For that reason I'd suggest testing with Ancestry initially, there's nothing to stop anyone testing with another company that doesn't accept Ancestry results but I wouldn't make it a priority until sorting out the hundreds/thousands of matches that one test can bring when shared to other sites.

Many of the sites represent shared dna as a percentage and display pie chart type diagrams, it's misleading as that 0.5%, 1%,5% or however much of shared dna  isn't just one single slice of pie, it's made up of multiple tiny slice, each so small that for two individuals to have the exact same slice is far more unlikely than it is likely.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Managing DNA matches on Ancestry
« on: Monday 04 March 24 22:02 GMT (UK)  »
My unerstanding is that Ancestry only update the dna matches weekly on a Thursday.

Do you find new matches on a daily basis Lizzie?


Multiple updates each day but that is only apparent if you check multiple times a day and obviously is reliant on results being an actual match.  At normal times I tend to see 3-5 matches a day but with the Black Friday and Xmas kits now largely processed I've had around 400 new matches since Xmas, sadly only a couple are above 20cM so I'm still in the quantity over quality trap that plagues my progress.

I have at least had a couple of replies from test managers letting me know which parent the link relates to from the perspective of a match, armed with that I can at least try and build the relevant side of their tree without wasting time and effort on the wrong parent.

I use other sites including My Heritage and Gedmatch, MH tend to send an email on a Sunday if there's a new match  to my kit or those I manage, Gedmatch email today told me of a new match.....a kit I manage and uploaded back in mid January!

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: 1920s - can father be determined?
« on: Monday 04 March 24 20:16 GMT (UK)  »
Yes it's possible but to narrow it down beyond a group of male siblings is dependant on the right people taking a test and being able to find those results on whichever site they may be on.  A result from the father would be the ultimate result but taking into account timeframes it's not possible in every case. The next best case would be a result from one of his children followed by results via his grandchildren. 

That's not to say it's the only avenue as results linking to the siblings of the father can help, by a process of elimination you may then go from one of 'several brothers' to perhaps just a couple or maybe even eliminate all the possibilities leaving just the one to answer the mystery. As much as we hope dna will lead us straight to an answer it's often a case where telling us what isn't possible is just as important.

The reality is it's unlikely descendants of every sibling have tested. By using the current matches it should be possible to work out which descendant lines are covered and which aren't, that information can then be used to suggest who to approach as a target test. 

I have a half sister on my paternal side and manage her result. My paternal Irish figure is 38% whilst my sister has just 23%.  as we share the same father we have to share the same ancestors back from him so common sense would suggest it should be somewhat closer figures.

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