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Messages - orkrad

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 56
Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Death cause
« on: Sunday 26 May 24 00:13 BST (UK)  »
 Cause of death. Disease of Mitral and Aortic Valve. Degeneration of the heart muscle. She was 24 years old--so young. Regards Orkrad

Renfrewshire / Re: Ladyburn Buildings, Greenock
« on: Sunday 14 April 24 04:52 BST (UK)  »
 Hi there  If you Google  Robt Murray Smith---A historyof greenock and download the book on page 10 ( of 177 pages) there is some interesting stuff about Lady Burn tannery ( Called lady burn tan work ). lots of other interesting information of other industries in the same area around the 1800's.
Regards Orkrad

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Latin to English Assistance Please
« on: Saturday 11 November 23 00:26 GMT (UK)  »
The last one you posted is odd, and needs an explanation.

Bridget, daughter of William Quinlan & Mary, formerly Mitchell
born 12 March 1841 & baptized 31 March 1841
godparents were Jack Quinlan & Catherine Rune?

 I think the last godparent may be Catherine Kane  Regards Orkrad

 Bell and Walsingham was there ...regards Orkrad

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Birthplace ........Perthshire Scotland
« on: Saturday 17 September 22 00:17 BST (UK)  »
My attempt  Nairn??, Craven Perthshire, Scotland . Regards Orkrad

Renfrewshire / Re: Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders WW1
« on: Wednesday 20 July 22 03:53 BST (UK)  »
 Hi there , What a surprise to get a  new reply from a post I started in 2010. I have put this bit of family history on the back burner as I  have had no success in finding if my Grandad did in fact serve overseas. We have no records or medals to consult.  I have contacted the  Argyll and Sutherland  museum at Stirling Castle, the Greenock Telegraph archives and tried contacting the British Legion as one relative remembered James McLeish's  funeral at the Greenock cemetery when the coffin was covered by a flag.  British legion records have apparentlydisappeared so no joy there. Had a look at the Mc Lean Museum site but it doesnt appear to have any photos of local servicemen from WW1.  Do you know if Is there a direct email address for the museum. As  I  live  in New Zealand  I need to access online sources to help my research.  Thanks for getting in touch. Regards Orkrad.

Renfrewshire / Re: catherine mc bryde
« on: Saturday 18 June 22 03:29 BST (UK)  »
 Hi again Rosinish  perhaps I should have chosen my words more carefully---instead of acknowledged maybe  just" never mentioned". I knew my grandparents in name only as they died before I was born. My great grandparents on both sides of the family were rarely mentioned.  I didnt know  my grandfather's mothers name still I started my own research many years ago.  I  find it interesting that my family in Scotland are not remotely interested on where their ancestors came from.  I guess when you  live in another country from  the place where you were born and educated  you feel the need to make the connection to your past. Genealogy is a wonderful  hobby both exciting and frustrating from time to time. Its great to have so much help from Rootschatters.  Thanks Orkrad.

Renfrewshire / Re: catherine mc bryde
« on: Friday 17 June 22 06:25 BST (UK)  »
 Thanks Rosinish. The other baptisms  on the same page of the church register are all recorded under the headings Names of Parents. If there is only one parent recorded there is a blank space for the other.  I dont think the people bringing children for baptism would have lied to the priest.  I know that my ancestor was illegitimate and his baptism record records only  his mothers name in the parent column  and  of course the  names of the sponsors . From what I've put together after almost 20yrs of searching is that Elizabeth TOLAN/plus numerous alternate spellings  had four children. Two were  fathered by a Charles DIVINE and two were illegitimate.  My ancestor was one of the illegitimate sons though no one in the family ever acknowledged it.  There may be even more secrets to be uncovered!.  Regards Orkrad,

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