Per freebmd
Births September qtr 1872
DAVIES Isabella Dudley 6c 104
Births September qtr 1874
DAVIES Isabella Bromyard 6a 520
You presumably have her with her parents on the 1881 census so could consider the following option
Search by GRO
If you have done your own searching in the GRO indexes and have found more than one reference to the name you are researching, or are unsure which is the entry you require, the GRO offer reference checking online.
The charge is £7 for action on the first entry, which includes the cost of the certificate, and £3 for checking each subsequent reference against the information you have provided. You have the option of asking them to either stop at the first reference which agrees with your information or to check all references
You must give them one piece of information that you are sure will appear on the certificate for example, the exact date of the event or a parent(s) name(s). You must fill in the reference checking sheet which is accessed by pressing the reference checking button near the bottom of the page, and fill in all the fields that you would like the entry to be checked against before
you press the 'Submit' button. A certificate will only be issued if the entry they check matches the checking point you give them.