Author Topic: BLO(O)MFIELDs - Stoneham  (Read 140181 times)

Offline Yi Win

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Re: BLO(O)MFIELDs - Stoneham
« Reply #54 on: Tuesday 27 April 10 16:26 BST (UK) »
Hi guys and girls,

Ok so I've exhausted all known (to me  ???) ways of trying to gain access to early records for geneaology so can anyone out there help - need to get some records of Stonham area for Blomvyle families c 1400's.

Any ideas?  ::)

and if anyone wants to suggest a profesional geneaologist please suggest where you get one from!  ;D

really need to dig deeper to fill in a few 'gaps' and would love to know how to go about it.

AND a BIG THANKS to all those who have helped do far.

Yi  :)
de Blunvil, Blomville. Blomvyle, Blomfield, Bloomfield, Gotterson, Tuck, de Burgh,

Offline Lady Grace

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Re: BLO(O)MFIELDs - Stoneham
« Reply #55 on: Tuesday 27 April 10 22:49 BST (UK) »
I would agree there Yi Lin, its virtually impossible to go any further without the correct paperwork...I did come across this in my copy of A Suffolk Family, thought its important but can't link it..who is Richard Blonvyle? he doesn't show on any of our Family Blomvyle/Blomfield charts to date, unless he could be  the 1400 unnamed Blonvyle on the Family Tree chart?
and I don't think the William Blomvyle is the Monk of Bury-pity

"Though not stated anywhere it seems certain that WILLIAM BLOMEVYLE, younger brother of RICHARD BLOMEVYLE, who died in c 1490, settled in STONHAM in the 15th century(Sir Reginald Blomfield) "
this one could be important but who is Richard? 8)

Blondeville,  Blonville, Blomvyle, Blomfield, etc., Bacon, Mickfield, Bury St Edmunds, Debenham, little Stonham, Winston, Newton Flotman, Stoneham Parva, Normandy France

Offline Lady Grace

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Re: BLO(O)MFIELDs - Stoneham
« Reply #56 on: Wednesday 28 April 10 05:12 BST (UK) »
Looking at other charts I have, of course Richard is,
Richard Blomvyle 1405-1490 married to Catherine Ingloss, with a younger brother William Blomvyle alive in 1503, ...according to Sir Reginald Blomfield this William Blomvyle came to live in Stoneham, I was wondering if their Grandfather,  a Sir William Blomvyle who held  Newton in the year 1420, could possibly be our William Blomvyle c1366??? just a thought??? 8)
I note that between our Thomas Blomvyle 1415 and his brother Richard Blomvyle 1430, there is 15yrs gap, which would indicate more siblings..Also I think their Father's dates must be wrong as it at the present time  makes him only 15yrs old when he fathered Thomas b c1415...? :-\
Blondeville,  Blonville, Blomvyle, Blomfield, etc., Bacon, Mickfield, Bury St Edmunds, Debenham, little Stonham, Winston, Newton Flotman, Stoneham Parva, Normandy France

Offline Suffolk Mawther

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Re: BLO(O)MFIELDs - Stoneham
« Reply #57 on: Wednesday 28 April 10 11:03 BST (UK) »
Will PM details of a professional genealogist - I know she got back to the signing of the Magna Carta for one family  8)

Pat ...

Every time I find an ancestor,
I have to find two more!

SUFFOLK - Pendle, Stygall, Pipe, Fruer, Bridges, Fisk, Bellamy, Sparham - all link to  Framlingham 
DERBY - Bridges and Frost (originally Framlingham/Parham)
NOTTINGHAM - Lambert & Selby
BERKSHIRE/then Hammersmith LDN - Fulker
LDN/MDX - Murray, Clancy, Broker, Hoskins, Marsden, Wilson, Sale
GGfather Michael Wilson born Cork, lived Fulham London - moved to Boston USA 1889, what happened next?

Offline Yi Win

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Re: BLO(O)MFIELDs - Stoneham
« Reply #58 on: Wednesday 28 April 10 14:11 BST (UK) »

Lady Grace,

I can answer your  message Re William & Richard.

"Though not stated anywhere it seems certain that WILLIAM BLOMEVYLE, younger brother of RICHARD BLOMEVYLE, who died in c 1490, settled in STONHAM in the 15th century(Sir Reginald Blomfield) "

Yes William was the younger brother of Richard and on the main de Blunvil branch of Newton Flotman. Thier parents were William Blomville and Elizabeth de Bosville.

Richard was b after1405 and d c 1490 he held Newton Flotman and lived at Asby Manor, he also owned Gunton Manor.

William settled in Little Stonham, he had a son William to a wife unknown and had a son William who married Ann Cutting.

The decendents of William and Ann on several occasions married in later generations into the Blomvyle/Blomfield family already settled there.

We know there was already a family of Blomvyle's in Stonham because we have a Will of one Gilbert dated 1416 from Stonham who clearly states (for info I had the Will professionally translated from the Latin) that he had brothers John and William in Stonham.

So I am assuming (and it is an assumption) that Gilbert Blomvyle c1450 is a decendent of one of either John nor William .

Gilbert's son seems to have re-located to London with his family,  it is unlikely (but not impossible) that they came back to Stonham - the Will states the location of his son so we know he where he went.

The dates do fit with classing Gilbert as an offsroping of William + Ann in Stonham but thier children are all listed and there is no Gilbert mentioned amongst them.

Also if names run in families it seem likely that Gilbert c1450 is of the line of Gilbert d1416.

Who knows - this is what we are going to have to find out.

AND - where did the Stonham Blomvyles come from - which generation did they break off from the main De Blunvil line.

NOTE: - I have used the varying spelling to differenciate between the 2 branches but the De Blunvil and Blomvyles all end up and seem to start with the same spellings - I have just used the 2 to make each branch stand apart from each other - it is in no way a definitive spelling of either.

however one thing is for certain they have the same coat of arms!

who is Richard Blonvyle?

Richard is the son of William Blomville and Elizabeth de Bosville (as mentioned above) - he is from the Newton Flotman branch - which I phrase as the 'main' branch for no other reason than this line is well documented and seems to be the line of inherited 1st sons.

William Blomville's parents (according to the Pedigree) are Nicholas Blumvil and Elizabeth Paston.

Richard Blomvyle 1405-1490 married to Catherine Ingloss, with a younger brother William Blomvyle alive in 1503, ..

yup - thats the one!

Sir Reginald Blomfield this William Blomvyle came to live in Stoneham
- yup -  we are along the same lines here!!!! :)

I was wondering if their (grt) Grandfather,  a Sir William Blomvyle who held  Newton in the year 1420, could possibly be our William Blomvyle c1366??? j

It could well be although I've not come across another child of his unaccounted for but that doesnt mean he hasnt got more kids than are stated. - he has 3 known kids Richard, Nicholas and Margaret - however that means nothing at all really.

We are looking at 3 brothers John, William and Gilbert all born in Stonham and Gilbert died in 1416 - assuming he lived to a ripe old age (age not stated in Will) say 60??? which is as you say 1366(ish).

I would say that as William lived and raised his family in Newton Flotman it is not he! (dont quote me on that it is all theory here!)

Someone moved to Stonham prior to say 1366 - maybe earlier we dont know who the eldest sibling was.

This brings us to the earlier branches where several sons are mentioned with no families attached - ours could be from any of these.

The BIG question is which!

There is a branch living in Monk Soham that I cant trace back or forward apart from a few generations but they could possibly be from Richard de Blunvil and Elizabeth de Braydeston - but only because the dates fit father to son and nothing else - no actual link.

As several ladies from Monk Soham marry into the Stonham Blomvyles there may be a possible link - there was contact of some sort between the 2 places.

So ever onwards hey ho!!


de Blunvil, Blomville. Blomvyle, Blomfield, Bloomfield, Gotterson, Tuck, de Burgh,

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Re: BLO(O)MFIELDs - Stoneham
« Reply #59 on: Wednesday 28 April 10 14:17 BST (UK) »
Hi suffolkmawther,

Thanks that will be really great.

time for a little expert help here me thinks  ;)  ???  ::)  :-\

de Blunvil, Blomville. Blomvyle, Blomfield, Bloomfield, Gotterson, Tuck, de Burgh,

Offline Yi Win

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Re: BLO(O)MFIELDs - Stoneham
« Reply #60 on: Wednesday 28 April 10 15:07 BST (UK) »

It is thought by some that Robert and Elizabeth de Braydeston had no kids but.....

EV Blomfield's book of Blomfield Pedigrees says....

Mr Claude Morely of Monks Soham House in Framlingham Suffolk writes..

"it was Woodcroft Manor on Monk Soham and not the main Manor of Monk Soham that the Blomville's owned. I believe your William De Blomvyle, son of the original Robert of 1190 must have married a de Soham. These de Soham's began with Simon 1194, his son Lord of Woodcroft 1195-1225 his grt grandson was Sir Ralph de Soham"

Morely refers to an undated deed of gift executed by Roger Bigod 1225-1262 Witnessed by Robert and Will de Soham and Will Blomville in Blomfield s Norfolk 1806 chap V p 435.

Manor of Blomvile's or Woodcroft Hall.

This was the estate of Oslac the thane in the Confessor's time, and
formed part of the lands held by Hugh de Montfort in early Norman days.
In 1275 the lordship seems to have been in Adam le Carpenter, for he had
" bortrem " and assize of bread and beer here. It subsequently passed to
John Blomvile, and in 1460 was vested in John Caldewell.

I only have one Robert that was there in 1190 and he married Elizabeth.

Hence my de Soham thread trying to see if anyone knew a link between de Soham and Blomvyle!


de Blunvil, Blomville. Blomvyle, Blomfield, Bloomfield, Gotterson, Tuck, de Burgh,

Offline Lady Grace

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Re: BLO(O)MFIELDs - Stoneham
« Reply #61 on: Thursday 29 April 10 05:19 BST (UK) »
I notice on Pedigree of Sir Reginald Blomfield 1190,  inserted between Sir William Blomevyle, wife Elizabeth 1420 Newton Flotman, and Richard Blomvyle & Catherine, ( &  brother William Blomvyle 1503 ), there is another William Blomevyle? but no date ,no wife no abode? hmmmm??
Thanks for the in depth explanation  8)
we WILL  crack it!
Blondeville,  Blonville, Blomvyle, Blomfield, etc., Bacon, Mickfield, Bury St Edmunds, Debenham, little Stonham, Winston, Newton Flotman, Stoneham Parva, Normandy France

Offline Yi Win

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Re: BLO(O)MFIELDs - Stoneham
« Reply #62 on: Thursday 29 April 10 09:38 BST (UK) »

How strange??

I dont seem to have this 'other' William and he's not on either of the 2 pedigree Charts I have!

however I do not have Sir Reginald Blomfield's Pedigree chart to view.

AND.... you never know 'strays' appear out of the wood work all the time.

You just never know what to believe and I take everything with a pinch of salt - who knows is right and wrong.

I wonder who this William is?

Yi  ;)
de Blunvil, Blomville. Blomvyle, Blomfield, Bloomfield, Gotterson, Tuck, de Burgh,