William seems to have been really well respected …I wonder what went wrong?
Here are some nice articles! I wonder if we can find some pictures of Goulburn Grammar School?
Wednesday 11 March 1857
(From the Goulburn Papers of Saturday.)
Lecture Session-On Wednesday evening, the Hon.. Mr. T. A. Murray, M.P, delivered a lecture to the members of the School of Arts at Mr. William Chisholm’s school-house, Clifford-street : Subject-Thunderr-storms. The attendance was in every respect satisfactory, the room being crowded by a respectable and attentive auditory.
Tuesday 15 December 1857
GOULBURN GRAMMAR SCHOOL - The usual annual examination of the pupils of Mr. Chisholm's Goulburn Grammar School took place on Thursday last; the Rev. Mr. Ross kindly undertook the task. At the conclusion Mr. Ross handed the following letter, to Mr. Chisholm :
Manse??, Goulburn,
16th December, 1867.
Dear Sir,
I am happy to convey to you the satisfaction- which I felt at the very creditable exhibition made this day by your pupils when examined by me. The English grammar and the geography classes displayed very clearly; that much pain's had been used by you, and much attention paid by the scholars. I.may mention particularly Masters W. Grovenor, W. McConnell, James Walsh, D. Fenton, and the two Woodwards. The other boys were very little behind them and I am bound to mete out to them their deserved measure of praise. Master Hillas read his Virgil with ease, evidently understanding what he was about. Master W. Grovenor read his lesson in Cornelius Nepos admirably, showing him to be a boy possessed of ability and, promising parts, if carefully cultivated hereafter. The examination as a whole was pleasing and cannot fail of being gratifying to you as a teacher.
William Ross.
(To Mr. William Chisholm, Grammar School, Goulburn.)