Author Topic: Diary summary week ending 25th June  (Read 2571 times)

Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary summary week ending 25th June
« Reply #36 on: Saturday 24 June 23 21:22 BST (UK) »
Louisa, I forgot, an episode of 24 Hours in A&E ,a little girl was shaking and trembling very badly.
Her parents took her to A&E ,her blood sugars were very very low .
She was given ice cream and sweets to raise them and the tremors/ shaking gradually subsided.
I hope you can persuade your husband to have an examination .

Men are so reluctant to discuss health or look after themselves .
We have to do it especially when pregnant !
Best of luck with that.

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Re: Diary summary week ending 25th June
« Reply #37 on: Sunday 25 June 23 16:12 BST (UK) »
In Church this morning ,Communion, the news sheet for this week had a cartoon of a Vicar/ Rector  administering the wine, one person had just drunk from the Chalice -“ Mmmm - yes- I get a taste if oak ,berry fruits and a citrus finish.Amen.”
Someone has stolen some of the granite flagstones from the back of the church .Police notified,18 gone .
Baptism today ,a squeaky one year old who knows if she screams it echoes loudly- very loudly!
Usual organist on holiday so another who,often plays was there today .
An ex pupil who came from the church’s primary school when it closed to where I worked ,it was hard for those children to settle as there were only 50+
children ,then to go to a school with almost 200.
Nice buffet laid on for after Baptism by parishioners and TWO,cakes!

Well a ham joint for  tea with hasselback potatoes ,broccoli and green beans and a concoction of my own ,a hot spiced sauce .
And dead common pineapple slices!

Weather has changed dramatically in 20 minutes ,now dark and raining but gardens will be refreshed.
Just off to do all my pills for the week! I have dated containers so  I don’t forget  ::)
Was given a book yesterday,  by a neighbour who has a house almost opposite me but seldom there as works in London,her grandmother was sister to a lady who married a Shropshire man ,he was the brother of the lady I lived with after I left my father’s family when an evacuee .
We met at Ramsbottom’s War Weekend several years ago .Amazing it mentioned a little hamlet and we both knew it..
The book is Precious Bane by Mary Webb, how kind of her to see it at a jumble sale and get it for me.
Took some chocolates to my tiny little friend , she got so excited .
Such a small pleasure in a very difficult life .

Well must start  our evening meal .
Hope this next week has something good for everyone .

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Re: Diary summary week ending 25th June
« Reply #38 on: Sunday 25 June 23 16:26 BST (UK) »
Oh boy, it is sweltering, was nice and cool in church but hit us as we came out

That  was nice Viktoria you all got invited the baptism afterwards and 2 cakes, whoopy woo!!

Someone has complained to our priest about the state of the churchyard, non church goers I might add,  we are struggling to get gardeners, all volunteers, I actually   nearly took all my toes off by falling backwards over a grave stone when mowing a few years ago, quote for a 1 off to start with £850 then £250   amonth from then onwards to mow it, we cannot afford it, it makes me annoyed that these people complain, most rarely tend their family graves,  surely all they need to do is to bring  a pair of shears and tidy up their their own family   graves, it is not even anywhere near knee hight, those volunteers are over 60, some 70 and not enough of them.

Nothing  planned for this  week but 2 weeks as yesterday my grandaughter  will arrive  back home from her backpacking experience in Asia, 6 months, I will  be so pleased and relieved to see her

Take care, keep cool

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Re: Diary summary week ending 25th June
« Reply #39 on: Sunday 25 June 23 19:33 BST (UK) »
Gosh that has gone quickly L.M.
Seems just weeks since we were all thinking of you and your G.Daughter,all the real worries there were.Safety etc.
A good heavy shower this afternoon.
Saves watering this evening .
Just finished eating ,not bad although the hassekback potatoes had no garlic flavour or Rosemary. My altered taste again perhaps.

Yes, overgrown Churchyards, well as ancestor hunters we have seen quite a few haven’t we!
I love them ,especially a very remote one in Shropshire .known as
“ Lord’sHill” a Particular Baptist Chapel is there ,with the lead tank in thefloor for the total immersion adult Baptisms.

I am being cremated ,along with my husband’s  ashes mine will be scattered from the nearby hill ,blown in the wind that almost always  blows there.
No untidy grave ,no dead  or no flowers at all, busy people who were good to us when we were alive fretting because they can’t visit our graves.

Well tea eaten ,not bad,ham very nice ,hasselback potatoes OK ,broccoli and green beans —- OK , parsley sauce OK, washing up done and time for a cuppa and tablets .
Hope the coming week is good for everyone.
News is worrying though ,so let’s hope The West really susses out  what Putin  is up to!
Cheerio ,Viktoria.

Offline brigidmac

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Re: Diary summary week ending 25th June
« Reply #40 on: Monday 26 June 23 03:15 BST (UK) »
I'm awake at stupid o'clock so technically it's the new week but i.ll let someone else start a new topic .

Great jokes with the little relatives
Age 3 knock knock ...whose there ?
Sausage    .......sausage who
I'm a sausage 🌭 .....are you a silly sausage

Age 5 what do you call a deer with no eyes

Age 6 what do you call a man who can't stand up

(( I'll leave you to answer thosr and give the follow up jokes

+ I.ll try and add a link to my very own work in progress "who do you think I'm not skit "

Roberts,Fellman.Macdermid smith jones,Bloch,Irvine,Hallis Stevenson

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Re: Diary summary week ending 25th June
« Reply #41 on: Monday 26 June 23 06:41 BST (UK) »
Really early, Brigid and hopefully feeling somewhat better from taking it easy, wishing you well and see that your light has gone out again now..
Late afternoon Monday for us in NZ now, have attempted to catch up through the 2 years now of the weekly diaries though will now need to be one of the less regular contributors and focus more on the Spring move to our next home, early Spring cleaning and clearing for the downsizing etc.
Finding all sorts of saved things of course, rather like your find Jeff with Box Brownie image stirring memories along the way and what to keep or discard.
Good to hear you're still enjoying your caravan site escape Elizabeth, recall some of the images from there you shared in the gallery a few years back now.
Cheers too for the big birthday Kevin, always good to have something to celebrate and nice that your girls able to be with you.
One of my younger great nieces is 21 today, mindful of finding the happier occasions as well with so many bereavements among our circle recently and perhaps that is just that most friends, like ourselves, are in the senior group and some with variety of health issues. Understand the health compromised difficulties also with younger ones of course, one of my nephews in Australia has been rather sick with covid this past week, first time he's had it and so much time at home with chronic disease issues, his wife sick with it the week before still poorly but looking out for him OK and it didn't affect their teenage boy as much, older son and partner and new baby staying clear.
Husband had to wear a mask and follow all procedures for his hospital visit for eye check this morning, waited about for a few hours before catching the train back to park and ride and able to see another specialist at 1pm to save going back.
Big wait in car on Wednesday, we were on way to a funeral but major traffic issue with an earlier road fatality, able to live stream the service on  my phone but even that was delayed with celebrant caught up in the traffic and ½ hour late. We were 3 and a half hours between on-ramp and next off-ramp on motorway and too late to get there with time on GPS showing us delays getting longer and longer, quick turn around once we could and back home a bit easier and thankfully safely. A better for our day trip on the road Friday.
All the best  for the new week, had got quite dark while in my visit here, shortest day now gone by and has been relatively mild past few days with sub tropical front  but such a lot of wetting we've had this year and ground saturated. Easy evening meal, take two of what I made yesterday so just needs heating …

Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary summary week ending 25th June or July 2 nd.
« Reply #42 on: Tuesday 27 June 23 01:11 BST (UK) »
Well it is time methinks to start another week’s diary - nothing like so interesting as Mare’s contribution.
The leaking water pipe is now exposed in the side lane, a big deep hole filling with water .
All fenced off but the way along the lane is fenced off now, did the  High School pupils take heed?
Of course not
They pushed the barrier down, climbed over the muddy pile of earth and left the hole un - fenced .My son re-erected the barrier so then a woman with two children climbed the mud ,I was in the garden and was flabbergasted .
She looked at me so I said it was very dangerous , leaving open what exactly I meant, “well we are across now ,so what about it?”
I just repeated that it was very dangerous ,a deep,hole filling with water and no proper place to walk.
It will be worse tomorrow as the water will be deeper no doubt ,let’s hope people are sensible .

A mixed weather day, some rain and a good sunny afternoon with moderate temperature.

Caught up with someone by phone ,had a chat.
Then my tiny friend came to say she had lost her gloves ,she takes them with her to sit on when having a rest on her walk around the Cemetery where she and her late son walked every day.
However she went back and they were on the ground  under the bench ,so we had a fruit drink and a chat then my phone rang so she politely went, I assured her she was welcome anytime really.
Daughter phoned ,so a catch up chat.
The whole family had been for a lovely walk  on Sunday afternoon ,but several had been bitten by insects or some plant perhaps like Giant Hogweed,
Grandson the worst, huge blisters covering his arms and legs ,he has allergies so a visit to A&E, they were like huge burns and a big area too.
The Drs.said there were some particularly vicious mosquitos causing many people to have such problems ,but they waited to see if he would have an asthma attack .He didn’t but all very painful, it sounds very much like hogweed but they were unaware of any hogweed so insects probably the culprits.
Good job the children wore lightweight long sleeved garments and pants and were smothered in sun block,such fair skin .

Not much happened today,our local chemists,Lloyd’s is closing and Cohen’s taking over ,they kindly phoned to let me know , as there was a prescription
due ,something only needed every three months.
They will deliver it.
And the Lloyd’s is going to be another flipping wine bar. There are so many ,far too many in a little town like ours.
No amenity shops left hardly ,from it having two and three of every kind of shop you could want
Progress my foot!
Well it is very late ,hope all are well or at least comfortable .
Goodnight all.
Viktoria .

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Re: Diary summary week ending 25th June
« Reply #43 on: Tuesday 27 June 23 03:18 BST (UK) »
Victoria I was skimming thru the posts to see which I'd read and wondered what exciting things you might have been up to

 s posting that my light was out ...true of my brain light as well as

Then victor
Eyes fell on the sentence

I am being cremated.  I re read thinking I wonder what she means what could the typo be

Because if read it grammatically the same as I'm being driven

 I laughed with relief that you were not being burnt at the stake

I'm being cremated too ,...but haven't written a will ...I don't really care what is done with me i.ll be dead

But I would like to donate my organs if they'd be useful  to someone

Not written a will.

Think I LL leave everything to my foster daughter I don't think I've got any goods or chattels

Roberts,Fellman.Macdermid smith jones,Bloch,Irvine,Hallis Stevenson

Offline LizzieL

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Re: Diary summary week ending 25th June
« Reply #44 on: Tuesday 27 June 23 09:13 BST (UK) »

Age 5 what do you call a deer with no eyes

No idea

Is there a Prize?
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