Author Topic: Diary Summary Week Ending 13 August 2023  (Read 1268 times)

Offline River Tyne Lass

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Diary Summary Week Ending 13 August 2023
« on: Monday 07 August 23 22:14 BST (UK) »
No one seems to have started the thread for this week so I'll jump in.
I've not long since got back in from work. and I'm jiggered.
This morning I sat on the top deck at the front of the bus and when we reached Newcastle a woman on the opposite side left a great big bunch of keys on the seat.
I called out to her but she seemed in a world of her own and didn't seem to hear so I had to touch her arm to get her attention and asked again if she had left her keys.
She didn't say thank you, she just said "It's too early".  They looked like a great big bunch of work keys.  Imagine if she had got to work and she couldn't open up or whatever!
I'm glad that our Lionesses won the football today.
I'll have to head off to bed soon as I have another 12 hour shift tomorrow but at least I can get up slightly later than what felt like the stupid o'clock time I had to get up today.
Goodnight all.
Conroy, Fitzpatrick, Watson, Miller, Davis/Davies, Brown, Senior, Dodds, Grieveson, Gamesby, Simpson, Rose, Gilboy, Malloy, Dalton, Young, Saint, Anderson, Allen, McKetterick, McCabe, Drummond, Parkinson, Armstrong, McCarroll, Innes, Marshall, Atkinson, Glendinning, Fenwick, Bonner

Offline louisa maud

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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 13 August 2023
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday 08 August 23 22:29 BST (UK) »
Sleep tight tonight RTL,  you deserve a good night's rest,

Shame the person forgot to say  "thank you" for you telling her she forgot the keys,  not everyone has manners  but a thank you costs nothing .

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Offline River Tyne Lass

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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 13 August 2023
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday 08 August 23 23:52 BST (UK) »
Possibly she may have been that tired she wasn't thinking properly, she did look half asleep. 

I've not long since got back in again and I'm so tired after being on the go all day.  Can't wait to get to bed.  Hope you have a good night's rest too LM. Xx
Conroy, Fitzpatrick, Watson, Miller, Davis/Davies, Brown, Senior, Dodds, Grieveson, Gamesby, Simpson, Rose, Gilboy, Malloy, Dalton, Young, Saint, Anderson, Allen, McKetterick, McCabe, Drummond, Parkinson, Armstrong, McCarroll, Innes, Marshall, Atkinson, Glendinning, Fenwick, Bonner

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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 13 August 2023
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday 09 August 23 06:04 BST (UK) »
No one seems to have started the thread for this week so I'll jump in.
I've not long since got back in from work. and I'm jiggered.
This morning I sat on the top deck at the front of the bus and when we reached Newcastle a woman on the opposite side left a great big bunch of keys on the seat.
I called out to her but she seemed in a world of her own and didn't seem to hear so I had to touch her arm to get her attention and asked again if she had left her keys.
She didn't say thank you, she just said "It's too early".  They looked like a great big bunch of work keys.  Imagine if she had got to work and she couldn't open up or whatever!
I'm glad that our Lionesses won the football today.
I'll have to head off to bed soon as I have another 12 hour shift tomorrow but at least I can get up slightly later than what felt like the stupid o'clock time I had to get up today.
Goodnight all.

Sounds like quite an eventful start to the week! Jumping in to start the thread was a good call. After a long day at work, I can totally relate to feeling 'jiggered.' It's amazing how these little moments can make a day memorable – like the bus incident in the morning. Kudos to you for being attentive and helping the woman with her keys. Sometimes we're so lost in our thoughts that we miss the world around us. Looking forward to hearing more about your week!

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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 13 August 2023
« Reply #4 on: Wednesday 09 August 23 09:53 BST (UK) »
Morning all
Sunny here today so going to do some weeding .
North East of England

Offline River Tyne Lass

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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 13 August 2023
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday 09 August 23 10:23 BST (UK) »
Morning Candleflame and all.  I hope your weeding is productive.  It is sunny albeit windy here too.  I have a back shift today so don't have to set off till lunch time.  I really ought to be cutting the grass but feel too worn out from previous long shifts.  I'll postpone it for another day; I want to conserve any energy for later.
There are several workmen busily removing tiles on a roof across the way.  I hope they are safe.   I heard one coughing - hope brick dust isn't breathed in - they aren't wearing masks.  I have heard "Waah!" and "Aaah!" and " Look out!"
Conroy, Fitzpatrick, Watson, Miller, Davis/Davies, Brown, Senior, Dodds, Grieveson, Gamesby, Simpson, Rose, Gilboy, Malloy, Dalton, Young, Saint, Anderson, Allen, McKetterick, McCabe, Drummond, Parkinson, Armstrong, McCarroll, Innes, Marshall, Atkinson, Glendinning, Fenwick, Bonner

Offline River Tyne Lass

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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 13 August 2023
« Reply #6 on: Wednesday 09 August 23 11:38 BST (UK) »

I've got exactly 3 years, 10 months and 27 days to my retirement and a free bus pass .. if the goal posts are not moved.  But whose counting ..
I know because I put my retirement date into this website and I check now and then to see how close I am getting.
I know I shouldn't wish my life away.  I have a memory of being very young and it was around September or October and I was saying to my Mother "I can't wait for Christmas!".  It felt like light years away.  She said "Don't wish your life away".  It was only a lighthearted comment but it made me think and it has stuck in my mind.
So I try to live in the present .. but I like to anticipate retirement, oxymoron as that sounds.
Yes, care work is wonderful and all jazz that but oh so exhausting!  Especially if going from a late finish long shift  to an early start long shift.  You feel no recovery after that.  I am feeling in a brutally honest mood so I will say it is no surprise to me that there is a shortage in the industry.
I was on the bus early one day recently and saw two men on separate seats, flaked out and fast asleep.  I thought that wouldn't surprise me if they were care workers.  They should put a photo of that kind of thing on advertising campaigns if they wished to show the true nature of things.  I feel too old and tired to retrain for something less exhausting.
I will have a quick bite for lunch now  and then quickly change myself out of my deflated balloon outfit into a person who is bright, cheerful and full of pep!
Don't mind me, I'm just musing on things.  What a risk taker I can be .. I hope no one who knows me reads this! 8)

I can hear one tiler singing now.  I hope Candleflame isn't getting too cold out there in the wind.

Conroy, Fitzpatrick, Watson, Miller, Davis/Davies, Brown, Senior, Dodds, Grieveson, Gamesby, Simpson, Rose, Gilboy, Malloy, Dalton, Young, Saint, Anderson, Allen, McKetterick, McCabe, Drummond, Parkinson, Armstrong, McCarroll, Innes, Marshall, Atkinson, Glendinning, Fenwick, Bonner

Online Viktoria

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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 13 August 2023
« Reply #7 on: Wednesday 09 August 23 13:33 BST (UK) »
That reminds me , the small Victorian cottages behind our big stone house ,were lovely.
Built over stables for the horses of a nearby mill.
The relatively small back yards were paved in York stone ,worth a fortune now.
One ,the dwelling of a ninety year old needed the flags re- laying as they had lifted with deep frosts .
Old lady in hospital. So neighbour made workmen cups of tea.
Flags removed and stacked round a corner ,workmen said they were going to get some coarse grit to bed the flagstones down better.

They did not come back of course!No flagstones round the corner!
We kidded the neighbour that she had aided and abetted a theft!
Not only that but she had made the thieves cups of tea!!!
How the Police laughed , but yard relaid sadly in concrete slabs but textured so no moss to make them slippy .
It was the last rented house,all others were owned by occupiers.
The houses dated from 1830

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Re: Diary Summary Week Ending 13 August 2023
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday 09 August 23 21:05 BST (UK) »
I'm still having a clear out.  I thought I'd got rid of old paper work but I've found another hoard.  It's been interesting to see how much I earned in the 1950s (or should I say, how little I earned in the 1950s - lol)    What I found most surprising was how tiny the official envelopes were compared to those of today.

Quote from: Viktoria link=topic=875Every time I think I've got rid of old documentation I find another hoard.  375.msg7471763#msg7471763 date=1691584428
That reminds me , the small Victorian cottages behind our big stone house ,were lovely.
Built over stables for the horses of a nearby mill.
The relatively small back yards were paved in York stone ,worth a fortune now.
One ,the dwelling of a ninety year old needed the flags re- laying as they had lifted with deep frosts .
Old lady in hospital. So neighbour made workmen cups of tea.
Flags removed and stacked round a corner ,workmen said they were going to get some coarse grit to bed the flagstones down better.

They did not come back of course
!No flagstones round the corner!
We kidded the neighbour that she had aided and abetted a theft!
Not only that but she had made the thieves cups of tea!!!
How the Police laughed , but yard relaid sadly in concrete slabs but textured so no moss to make them slippy .
It was the last rented house,all others were owned by occupiers.
The houses dated from 1830

I used to think thieves operated during the hours of darkness , but  over time I came to realise they have plenty of opportunities during daylight hours when most people will think they're on official business.

If only these low lives had the word "Thief" tattooed on their foreheads I could have stopped a Lincolnshire manor house from having lead stolen from its roof.

When OH had been demobbed we were lucky enough to find a home on a new housing estate that was still being built. . One Sunday walking home after buying a Sunday newspaper I decided that a group of  workmen must be working to a deadline.  Until the next day when the Clerk of Works discovered the full length of new concrete pavement had vanished leaving an unsightly path of black ashes.   The local newspaper shop was on the estate next to ours and quite a few of us saw white coated workmen visiting one house near the shop.  The next day I heard those men had stolen the residents' television set and video recorder.

Then as a newbie in this village if I had know the blue van that drove passed me contained some stolen goats from the allotment down the lane I could have taken the reg. number/

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