Author Topic: Diary summary week ending 5th November  (Read 2081 times)

Offline louisa maud

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Re: Diary summary week ending 5th November
« Reply #18 on: Thursday 02 November 23 12:53 GMT (UK) »
I hope everyone is safe, just spoken to my brother in Devon who says he is not to bad but it was  very windy last  night .

Some I believe think a child will be clean when it wants to but it needs guidance, some are slow learners, they are all different but I would assume by the time they are 5 they should be clean , it is an added responsibility for the staff, I always assumed in nurseries there was always 2 staff to change a baby.

We had a burst of sun but it didn't last long, more rain.

Keep dry and safe folks


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Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary summary week ending 5th November
« Reply #19 on: Thursday 02 November 23 15:29 GMT (UK) »
Not sure about two staff for a nappy change L.M certainly not in the far off days when I did my training ,the occasion I wrote about was The Reception Class.4-5 year olds , some years later.
My three were all dry and clean at about 18 months ,just did it casually , no hassle ,pottied at regular times ,if they obliged a little praise but no hint of annoyance when accidents occurred. Strangely they were all dry at night before daytime ,my daughter used to blame someone else when she had the odd accident “ Whobody did that!” —- “ Youbody “ —- “ No,not mebody” —- “ “Then you won’t need dry panties “—- a little while later—- “ I think it might have been mebody” —- “Let’s go to the bathroom and wash you and put dry panties on then.”
She had ever so many pairs of panties,in Belgium people buy in bulk!
It was much cheaper to buy panties when the boys were small instead of proper iunderpants and they knew no difference but when they started school they got “ grown up “underpants in case someone at the communal toileting times noticed. How many kids today would be delighted to start school because they had proper underpants!

Well some ironing to do from yesterday’s washing,today’s washing still in  the  machine as it is chucking it down .
So better get on with it .

Offline louisa maud

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Re: Diary summary week ending 5th November
« Reply #20 on: Thursday 02 November 23 15:38 GMT (UK) »
 VIKTORIA,  I think the 2 members of staff at nursery was  for, what can I call it, security,  and quite right too,

Yes, chucking it down here,  miserable day, the lights will  go on soon and it  is only 15.38


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Online KGarrad

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Re: Diary summary week ending 5th November
« Reply #21 on: Thursday 02 November 23 16:47 GMT (UK) »
We had a Yellow Weather Warning for heavy rain, 6am to midnight today.
Roads are dry - not a drop!
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Online BumbleB

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Re: Diary summary week ending 5th November
« Reply #22 on: Thursday 02 November 23 16:50 GMT (UK) »
We had a Yellow Weather Warning for heavy rain, 6am to midnight today.
Roads are dry - not a drop!

Oh, dear, you shouldn't have said that!  Tempting fate!  But I hope not.  :)
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Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary summary week ending 5th November
« Reply #23 on: Friday 03 November 23 10:03 GMT (UK) »
Well a nice sunny morning but a bit chilly,did some washing yesterday but so much rain after a sunny start,I had to leave it in the machine so just refreshed it this morning with a rinse and it is on the line in the sunshine .
A quick tea tonight I think, smoked salmon tagliatelle ,so need some olives and interesting bread .
I need a bit of shopping ,would like to walk down but son tries to help so said he would be free around lunchtime.
I am losing the ability to walk very far ,I do explain but it falls on deaf ears!

I hope no one had any damage to their property from the awful weather we have had.It really is freakish and almost defies the forecasts sometimes.

I have not found my missing posts , no idea what has happened, wonder if I neglected to tap on “ Post” ..?

Not heard from my little friend , wonder if her daughter has at last paid a visit but being in Cumbria perhaps has her own problems re the weather.
I won’t ask my friend she will only worry ,but things like personal aids and blister packed medications would be so handy ,but she does  not know about them,seemingly nor does her daughter.

I might pop round today ,just to check ,I have said she can come anytime ,but sadly she forgets so much ( says she who forgot her grand daughter’s
Birthday on Monday! :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[.
Funny calendar, the last two days were in a corner very tiny!Well that’s my excuse, I transferred cash via the phone ,she is off to Denmark ,so that will be handy.
Got flights for £40!and hotel for £135, it is a long weekend , but how lovely ,she has always wanted to see The Little Mermaid in the Harbour ,from stories we told her.

Well work and a cuppa for my son and then shopping etc.
I feel lucky I can do all that , in peace and security.
There is a lot to be thankful for.
Hope everyone is safe and as well as our ages etc allow.

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Re: Diary summary week ending 5th November
« Reply #24 on: Friday 03 November 23 10:48 GMT (UK) »
Meetings were cancelled and schools closed yesterday because of the weather, but we were lucky in that there was no severe flooding near to us.  Wind seems to have been more of a problem, with roof tiles being blown off and trees blown down.  Today it's calmer and so far the sun is shining, but it's rather chilly.  I shall soon warm up. however, as I will be cleaning the house this morning and ironing this afternoon.  My husband will be going up in the loft to bring down our stock of Christmas cards and decorations so that I can see how many are left over from last year and order some more.  I already have my diary and calendar for next year. 

Time to make Christmas puddings and cakes and start buying jars of mincemeat, I think.  Last year I made my own mincemeat and it was a disaster, even though I followed a Good Housekeeping recipe to the letter.     
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Offline louisa maud

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Re: Diary summary week ending 5th November
« Reply #25 on: Sunday 05 November 23 18:33 GMT (UK) »
I have been to Teignmouth for the weekend celebrating  my birthday with my twin brother,  their sea front has been really bashed about this week, slabs and wall knocked down along the prom, very sad,

This morning  about 08.30 we walked along the prom  watching  the waves splash over, lots of people  out  and it was only minor compared to last few days, we travelled home, 5 hours most of the way in beautiful sun, only to hear our dear grandaughter  had written off her car in an accident, a large lorry ran into the back of her, the car is an absolute mess, but she is safe , she is a sweetheart ringing to thank me for sending  her a message.

Well, another week gone, where is the time going?

Hope everyone if safe and coping  with weather conditions

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Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary summary week ending 5th November
« Reply #26 on: Sunday 05 November 23 22:07 GMT (UK) »
Had a surprise  visit  from Grandson and family, they wanted fish and chips,a rare treat for them nowadays in rural Suffolk .
Kyra is two on 10th,and what a change from the visit a short while ago, knew all her primary colours this time  and  colours like lime green and turquoise,
we’re “ black”.
Came up the path shouting “ Ganma, Ganma”.
I had just sent a parcel to them as well , never mind ,I gave the  Birthday  card and a cheque,had sent books.
A nice service at Church , All Saints’ Day.
There were candles for us to light in remembrance of loved ones and we were given slips of paper and pens to write names of those who had influenced us for good .
I remembered the kind people with whom I had been evacuated, my parents and my husband .
It really was a nice service.
Had chicken breasts wrapped in bacon ,with herby potato slices green beans and broccoli ,we don’t do sweets.

Number one son came to help his brother with something , I was wanting for the fighting to start,——- at one time they could not be in the same room!

Saw something awful yesterday,a woman was coming out of a shop with two whippet dogs, one dog first,then the woman who was talking to her friend ,then the second  dog but the woman absent mindedly closed the shop door
before the dog  was fully out ,she trapped its left hind foot in the door which she almost fully closed!!!
Oh the screams —- I had hesitated as the woman and her friend took up a lot
if room ,I shouted “ You have trapped its  foot in the door “ ——
Such tiny fragile bones,oh it did bleed and the toes were all out of place .
I directed them to the Vet’s ,where at least there is always a notice where the nearest Emergency Service is if our Vet is closed.

Got some very old maps out today, Reading Engels’ “The Condition of the Working Class”, I dip into it ,have old maps of Manchester and love tracing actual streets.None of my rellies lived in any streets mentioned.
Close by though.
I am proud of that .

Well a relatively quiet Bonfire Night , hope there have been no accidents this year.

Cheerio folks,new diary tomorrow .
Hope all are well ,nice to hear of Birthday  celebrations ,sorry to hear of your Grand daughter’s car write off L.M.But she is alright so you will be very thankful for that.
My mother’s anniversary tomorrow, 1957, she was 61, my first son was six months old, but she had held him the day before her heart attack .
When I recall my treatment and compare ,she was sadly very neglected.
Left at home ,no oxygen or ,clot busters , scans not yet invented etc.
No hospital admittance until I insisted the G,P got her admitted , but that was  a week later.Too late.
How things have improved.

Goodnight folks.