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Topics - KGarrad

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 12
Somerset / Sarah Cave
« on: Tuesday 28 May 24 11:43 BST (UK)  »
Going through my certificates, I have a birth certificate of an unknown person!

Sarah Walker, born 27 August 1853 in West Lydford.
Parents John Walker and Elizabeth nee Cave.

No link to my family that I can find?!
No Walkers at all in my tree.

Any ideas?

Westmorland / Cleasby
« on: Sunday 03 March 24 22:24 GMT (UK)  »
Looking for a baptism for John Cleasby, born 1727.
He married Agnes Blamire 21st May 1752 in Orton, Westmorland.
And died 8th January 1811 in Orton.

5 sons and 6 daughters were born between 1753 and 1778, all in Orton.

Isle of Man / Dealtry Burial details
« on: Friday 23 February 24 14:33 GMT (UK)  »
This is a follow-up from a post on the IOM Lookup Requests Board.
As we know, attachments are not permitted on Lookup Requests boards.

Two photos attached.
One is of the relevant page from the Douglas Borough Cemetery burials index.
The second is a plan of the cemetery.

Technical Help / Connecting Android phone to Windows10 laptop
« on: Friday 23 February 24 13:24 GMT (UK)  »
I used to be able to connect my phone to my laptop, in order to copy photos.
Tried this morning, but to no avail!
Microsoft wants e to login - Why?!
Try scanning a QR code, they said. Does absolutely nothing!

Does anyone have any hints on how to transfer photos from an Android 10 phone to Windows 10?

The Lighter Side / Wallabies
« on: Friday 14 July 23 12:30 BST (UK)  »
After a thermal-imaging project earlier this year, the wallaby population of the Isle of Man has reached 570! ;D
These are Red-Necked Wallabies, which originally escaped from the Wildlife Park in the 1970s.

More research to be done to assess impact on other species, especially hen-harriers.

Family History Programs, Tree Organisation, Presentation / RootsMagic 9 announced
« on: Tuesday 28 February 23 08:13 GMT (UK)  »
I received a Facebook notification last night:

Dear RootsMagic community,

We're excited to announce the release of RootsMagic version 9, our latest software update that includes new features and improvements designed to make your genealogy research experience more enjoyable and efficient. We want to take this opportunity to address some of the concerns that have been brought to our attention by users regarding our decision to focus on version 9.

First and foremost, we want to clarify that version 9 is not a bug-fix release. All bugs addressed in RootsMagic 9 were also addressed in the latest update to RootsMagic 8. While we continue to fix bugs, we are also adding new features and functionality to our current version, which we believe will benefit our users. We want to ensure that our users have access to the latest technology and tools, and we believe that version 9 represents a significant step forward for RootsMagic.

We also want to emphasize that while we are not planning to release any further updates to prior versions, we will continue to offer technical support for all prior versions, including version 8. If you experience any issues or bugs, we will do our best to help you resolve them.

We value your loyalty and support, and we hope that you will give version 9 a try to experience all the new features and benefits it has to offer. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team.

Thank you.

The Stay Safe Board / Diary Summary Week Ending 5th February 2023
« on: Monday 30 January 23 12:04 GMT (UK)  »
As nobody has started a new Diary thread for this week, here goes:

It's National Chips, Cheese and Gravy day on the Isle of Man.

Every year - on the last Monday of January - the Island celebrates the unofficial national dish of the Manx people.  :D

South Africa / Cleasby
« on: Thursday 11 August 22 07:12 BST (UK)  »
I am doing a tree for a friend.

Her GGF Albert Edward Cleasby was born in South Africa, according to UK 1901 and 1911 censuses.
Year of birth given as 1868.

Does any SA experts have any clues, please?

Isle of Man / Happy Tynwald Day!
« on: Tuesday 05 July 22 08:34 BST (UK)  »
Laa Tinvaal Sonney Diu – Happy Tynwald Day! 🇮🇲

Tynwald Day is the National Day of the Isle of Man; and a Bank Holiday!

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