Author Topic: 20th Century Jewish brick wall  (Read 10328 times)

Offline Josephine

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Re: 20th Century Jewish brick wall
« Reply #45 on: Thursday 18 March 21 17:09 GMT (UK) »
Birmingham Daily Gazette
Sat., March 20, 1926

How She Became Rich.

“A remarkable story was related in the King’s Bench Division yesterday during the hearing of a claim by a former barmaid against the executors of a well-known racing man, known as Isaac Moss Vernon, for the return of £9,717 said to have been lent to him. The Court found for the barmaid, and entered judgment for £6,815 and costs.

“The claim, which was heard by Mr. Justice Roche, was made by Miss Maggie Sayer, commonly known as Mrs. Maggie May Montague, against Captain Stuart Reginald Moss Vernon and Lewis Edwards, executors of the will of the late Mr. Isaac Moss, commonly known as Isaac Moss Vernon.

“Defendants denied that Mr. Moss Vernon had any money entrusted to him for the use of plaintiff and also pleaded the Statute of Limitations.


“Mr. Fortune, for the plaintiff, said Mr. Isaac Moss Vernon was a well-known owner of racehorses.

“He had also many business activities and among other things owned the Avenue Hotel, Shaftesbury – avenue, where Miss Sayer was at one time engaged as a barmaid.

“At the request of Mr. Moss Vernon she, in 1913, went to live with him.

“On 2 May, 1916, a son was born and he was fully acknowledged by Mr. Moss Vernon.

“Mr. Moss Vernon eventually died, leaving an estate of £100,000.

“He dabbled a great deal in purchasing property, and when he required money for that purpose he often went to Miss Sayer for it.

“In September, 1919, two sums of £300 and £4,400 were obtained.

“She had got the money partly from testator as gifts, and partly from winnings on the turf.


“Miss Sayer, giving evidence, said she always believed Mr. Moss Vernon when he said he would pay her, because he put his hands to his head, being a Jew, and said he never broke his word.

“Cross-examined by Mr. Norman Birkett, K.C., Miss Sayer said she learned after Mr. Moss Vernon’s death that there was a Mrs. Clayton, and that Mr. Moss Vernon had lived with her; but she knew nothing of that while Mr. Moss Vernon was alive.

“ ‘Did he provide for Mrs. Clayton, in his will, to the extent of £800 a year?’ —

“ ‘I did not hear it like that, but I heard she was provided for.’

“Miss Sayer said when she first went to the Avenue Hotel, in 1910, as a barmaid she was paid 12s. a week.


“She made some money by owning a taxi. The property in Shaftesbury-avenue was left to Mrs. Clayton.

“In answer to the Judge, Mr. Norman Birkett said it was in 1918 Mrs. Clayton went to live with Mr. Moss Vernon, and the annuity she had been left was one of £800 a year for ten years.

“He was told, though it was rather hazardous to say so, that Mrs. Clayton looked about 40 years old.

“Mr. Justice Roche found that some of the sums claimed were barred by the Statute of Limitations, which the executors had properly pleaded. As to the other items, he found they were loans by Miss Sayer, who let Mr. Moss Vernon have the money from time to time as he required it. He found for Miss Sayer from 29 July, 1919.”
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Offline Josephine

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Re: 20th Century Jewish brick wall
« Reply #46 on: Thursday 18 March 21 17:15 GMT (UK) »

Have you been in touch with the cemetery? It would be good if you could confirm the name of Harry's father. The info might also include Harry's Hebrew and/or Yiddish names, which might help with searching.

It's interesting to see that Harry's uncle went by various names at different times: Isaac Moss, Isaac Moss Vernon, Mr. Montague.

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Offline JeremyS

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Re: 20th Century Jewish brick wall
« Reply #47 on: Thursday 18 March 21 20:59 GMT (UK) »
This is incredible! Thank you so much Josephine.

And when matched with this document I think it's truly amazing. 1911 census, here is (prob), the Avenue Hotel on Shaftesbury Avenue, Harry Moss, aged 22 working as a manager...and who else is on the doc, but Margaret May Sayer from the articles you posted!!!! A barmaid, 25 & single in 1911. Wow.

Offline JeremyS

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Re: 20th Century Jewish brick wall
« Reply #48 on: Thursday 18 March 21 21:01 GMT (UK) »
I have been in touch with the cemetery - sadly they said they don't have any docs pertaining to his burial :(

With these uncle names I should be able to find Harry's family perhaps..? And if this 1911 census is correct then I have his birth as Paddington, which confirms the research I posted on that thread. The big question is whether the Harry Moss married in 1913, 24, a barman, is the same as in this 1911 census. The fact of the family story about this court case around the Avenue Hotel on Shaftesbury Av certainly would support this...

Offline Josephine

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Re: 20th Century Jewish brick wall
« Reply #49 on: Friday 19 March 21 00:53 GMT (UK) »
This is incredible! Thank you so much Josephine.

And when matched with this document I think it's truly amazing. 1911 census, here is (prob), the Avenue Hotel on Shaftesbury Avenue, Harry Moss, aged 22 working as a manager...and who else is on the doc, but Margaret May Sayer from the articles you posted!!!! A barmaid, 25 & single in 1911. Wow.

Awesome! You're most welcome, JeremyS!

If you go to the page just prior to the one showing Harry Moss in 1911, you'll see the cover page, which says it was filled out by Mr. Tull (I think), for 21 Shaftesbury Avenue W.

England: Barnett; Beaumont; Christy; George; Holland; Parker; Pope; Salisbury
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Offline Josephine

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Re: 20th Century Jewish brick wall
« Reply #50 on: Friday 19 March 21 01:05 GMT (UK) »
I have been in touch with the cemetery - sadly they said they don't have any docs pertaining to his burial :(

It's too bad they don't have any documents.

Just to clarify, though: is there a tombstone on his grave?
England: Barnett; Beaumont; Christy; George; Holland; Parker; Pope; Salisbury
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Offline Josephine

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Re: 20th Century Jewish brick wall
« Reply #51 on: Friday 19 March 21 01:20 GMT (UK) »
Belfast Telegraph
Wed., Sept. 23, 1925


“There is a curious proviso in the will proved of Mr. Isaac Moss (otherwise Isaac Moss Vernon), the racehorse owner, of 14 Wellington Street, St. John’s Wood, London.

“Mr. Moss, whose estate is of the gross value of £104,421 (net personality being £76,999), left during the lifetime of his wife £20 per week to his son Philip Zachariah, payable to him personally at the office of solicitors to the estate, it being left to the sole discretion of the trustees whether the sum be paid or forfeited if he fails to call weekly.

“To his son Stuart Moss Vernon, coachbuilder, of Bilke Street, Chelsea the testator left £1,500 and £1,000 per annum, and to the testator’s wife was left £2,000 per annum. The balance of the income during his wife’s life is to be applied to paying off any charges on his property.

“Subject thereto, he left a further £20 per week payable to his son Philip Zachariah on the same terms as above.

“There are reversionary bequests for Jewish charities and for the home for aged and needy or disabled jockeys and trainers at Newmarket.”

A report in the Nottingham Journal says that Isaac died on "10 January last" in Montreux, Switzerland (the rest of the report is the same as above).
England: Barnett; Beaumont; Christy; George; Holland; Parker; Pope; Salisbury
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Offline Josephine

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Re: 20th Century Jewish brick wall
« Reply #52 on: Friday 19 March 21 01:31 GMT (UK) »
With these uncle names I should be able to find Harry's family perhaps..? And if this 1911 census is correct then I have his birth as Paddington, which confirms the research I posted on that thread. The big question is whether the Harry Moss married in 1913, 24, a barman, is the same as in this 1911 census. The fact of the family story about this court case around the Avenue Hotel on Shaftesbury Av certainly would support this...

The info should help (fingers crossed).

You should be able to purchase a copy of Isaac's will for £1.50 from here:

His will should give you his wife's name (let's hope it includes her maiden name).

If you can locate Isaac's marriage record, it should give you his father's name and occupation, which should be a big help.

It looks like Isaac died in Switzerland in January 1925, so presumably he was buried there, but he might also have been memorialized on a stone in a Jewish cemetery in England.

England: Barnett; Beaumont; Christy; George; Holland; Parker; Pope; Salisbury
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Offline Josephine

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Re: 20th Century Jewish brick wall
« Reply #53 on: Friday 19 March 21 01:58 GMT (UK) »
The 1911 census shows Isaac Moss Vernon and family in Hampstead, London. Isaac is 44, a hotel proprietor, born in St. Botolph Bishopsgate, London, and married to Rebecca for 23 years.

Let's hope he's not a big red herring, LOL.
England: Barnett; Beaumont; Christy; George; Holland; Parker; Pope; Salisbury
Scotland: Currie; Curror; Dobson; Muir; Oliver; Pryde; Turnbull; Wilson
Ireland: Carson; Colbert; Coy; Craig; McGlinchey; Riley; Rooney; Trotter; Waters/Watters